Recent content by Eugene

  1. E

    Auto Populate field based on info in another field

    Thanks. Have Completed most of the database and notice that the auto number might create a problem. This is due to the fact that the database is networked and will have multiple uses entering data simultaneously. Will this create a problem in keeping track of IDs if auto number is used.
  2. E

    Auto Populate field based on info in another field

    Nothing in life is easy. I want to learn as much as possible about access including customization of some actions.
  3. E

    Auto Populate field based on info in another field

    While using auto number is fine I would like the Primary Key to have some other unique characteristics besides just a number. Their initials and number (SJW01) would be use as their unique identifier.
  4. E

    Auto Populate field based on info in another field

    Hello everyone, I'm what you might call a new comer to Access but I find it quite interesting and am trying to learning a much as possible about it. I am creating a form and what I would like to do is use the first letter of the persons' first, middle and last name as my primary key. Is there a...
  5. E

    Hello From the Turks and Caicos Islands

    Hello everyone, my name is Eugene. I am not an expert at access, what every I know it's through self learning. I am capable of doing tables, forms and to some extend queries. Hope to learn a lot more by being a member
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