Recent content by G man

  1. G

    VB code help - It has been a long time

    I'm guessing what I need is a small ammount of code? When I add new patient details and then click "Save" this all works fine. But when I click save I need to copy the new patients PK "ID" from the Patients Details Table into the FK Link ID in the Returns Table. So that when I open the...
  2. G

    VB code help - It has been a long time

    But the parent record is there.... I have a patient with a patient "ID" of 5 within the main "Patient Details Table". But the returns table has no "Link ID" of 5. So when I go into patient 5's details and look at the "Retruns form", it is blank (no form, no text boxes, nothing). If I open...
  3. G

    VB code help - It has been a long time

    Ok the LinkMast is ID (PK from patient details table) and LInkChild is Link ID (FK from Returns table) on my retruns form. This all works, only if the retrun table has a Link ID that matches the ID. With new patients who have not got a Link ID, it dosn't work.... the Form and Subform are both...
  4. G

    VB code help - It has been a long time

    Thanks :D I'll give it a go over the weekend. :)
  5. G

    VB code help - It has been a long time

    Hi If it helps, here is a link to the Access file / Contacts4.accdb Ive been makeing alterations to the Contacts database template that comes with Access 2010.
  6. G

    VB code help - It has been a long time

    Any1, I'm sure it's not that complicated!
  7. G

    VB code help - It has been a long time

    Hi This is my first post, I was once very proficient and knowledgeable about VB coding but I have not done any programming for the past 10 years. I have recently changed occupation and I’m going to be a manual therapist. I need to keep computerised records as I have sight issues and this is a...
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