Recent content by gamaz1234

  1. G

    Transforming single column data in multiple rows of data

    Thank you for the generous help. The demo works perfectly. However, when I tried to replace the memo field with my data, Access gives me a message that the field is too long. I guess the memo field cannot handle the number of data in my real database. With that constraint do you have any...
  2. G

    Transforming single column data in multiple rows of data

    Hello, I got sample data here in an Access single-column table. This data is similar to the original data extracted from a text file. 1 Jack 200000 58 CompanyA "" 2 Jane 180000 50 companyB "" 3 John 190000 53 CompanyC "" 4 Ken 160000 45 CompanyD Now I need to transform this into a new table as...
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