Recent content by Gareth Newman

  1. G

    Call module

    The AuditTrail code is: Option Compare Database Const cDQ As String = """" Public Sub AuditTrail(frm As Form, RecordId As Control) ' Track changes to data ' Identifies the pk field's corresponding control in frm, in order to id record Dim ctl As Control Dim varBefore As Variant Dim varAfter...
  2. G

    Call module

    Tried that with the same code bar the primary key which is "index" in the subform. >Private Sub Form_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer) >Call AuditTrail(Me, Index) >End Sub When this line executes, I get a run time error 13 "Type mismatch". While the line is highlighted yellow however, if i...
  3. G

    Call module

    Hi, I am using a module called "AuditTrail" for recording changes made to records. It works fine on primary forms with the code: Private Sub Form_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer) Call AuditTrail(Me, Job_number) End Sub with job_number being the primary key index in the linked table. The form...
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