Recent content by George10988

  1. G

    Connection string and Access Encrypted DB

    Hello everyone. I have a pretty big program written in C#, it has been running alive and well but recently I decided to password lock my .accdb file. Everything works except crystal reports. I went into set datasource location and tried to update my existing connection string to each report by...
  2. G

    Help with an SQL statement

    I am trying to create a query that takes all of my tables and combines them all into one query. I am not sure if this would be acceptable. I am getting an error of "The number of columns in the two selected tables or queries of a union query do not match." SELECT tblJuveniles.* FROM...
  3. G

    PK not automatically filling FK

    Sorry for my late response guys I have had some issues lately that have kept me from getting online. Thank you for all the help and all of those links!
  4. G

    PK not automatically filling FK

    Hello guys, thank you for the responses. I am so lost on this project it is my first plunge into access! John big booty, do you know of any tutorial online. I've looked into this using google and have found links to here and external sources basically saying the same thing you have told me...
  5. G

    PK not automatically filling FK

    Hello, I have a very complex relationship of about 10 tables with many, many to many relationships. For some reason I am having a hard time getting the PK in one table to fill in the FK in another table. For example, IF my PK in the first table is an autonumber and i fill in a persons name I...
  6. G

    Tip on creating a Data Entry for for the following relationship

    I need some help on creating one single data entry form for the relationship I have attached. I feel that I can not get my mind wrapped around this or how to do it. Previously I had three tables but found out I could normalize even further hence this is what I have so far and is also the reason...
  7. G

    Creating additional subrecord on form

    Hello I have a simple question. Lets say I have a table of employees and a table of their siblings set up as a one to many relationship One:employee======>Many:siblings If I have a data entry form to create new records, how would I add more than one sibling per employee if they have one? At...
  8. G

    Run into a Jam with my normalization

    Here is my updated relationships. I'm hoping you could maybe give me some more advice. I just want to make sure it is all good so that I don't have to come back and do this. This is my first database ever :\ Heres my logic to it. Each Juvenile can have only one guardian Each Juvenile can have...
  9. G

    Run into a Jam with my normalization

    Oh boy! thats much more complex than I anticipated! I did not realize that I could have normalized even further in that manner. I will have to rework everything I've got right now. One more question. I understand some of the tables you have there are many to many relationships. I dont quite...
  10. G

    Run into a Jam with my normalization

    So would the below SS be correct?
  11. G

    Run into a Jam with my normalization

    Boblarson: I still cant seem to wrap my head around this. Is there anyway you could take a look at the attatched SS of my relationships view and give me some advice? Thanks in advanced.
  12. G

    Run into a Jam with my normalization

    Thanks alot Bob!
  13. G

    Run into a Jam with my normalization

    Boblarson: I will try your approach. As for the form, there is a main form she wants me to base off a form they currently use. Its basically one big form with all the data from every table. The way I have been doing it is I made a query "qryDatabaseEntry" to pull in all the data that pertains...
  14. G

    Run into a Jam with my normalization

    Hello everyone, I am creating a database for a local police department. The database is supposed to contain info related to juvenile's, their offenses, home situations, and cases. I have a normalized setup which currently includes 3 tables. One table is the "Home Bio" table which contains...
  15. G

    Counting Number of Records in Temp Table

    Beetle you were right on the money with that link. Thanks QTMN- I was just looking for a count that would display the number of rows in my report. :) thanks though!
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