Recent content by GKite

  1. G

    Deleting directories and subdirectories in VBA

    This didn't work! It deleted nothing. I used your code exactly and nothing happened. What could I be doing wrong? How does this work without knowing the subdirectory names?
  2. G

    Deleting directories and subdirectories in VBA

    I found an old subject that shows how to delete files and folders. However, it only shows how to delete folders if you know the name. How can I delete all folders (in a certain location) and their subfolders, without knowing the names? Basically I need to automate clearing out a certain folder...
  3. G

    Copying Files, Creating directories in Access

    Thanks! Yes the MKDir was what I needed as well as the KILL(with wildcard)command.
  4. G

    Copying Files, Creating directories in Access

    Well a user previously gave me the code to copy files using access. Now I need to delete files and create folders using access. If I could find the commands in either Access help or one of my two extremely thick access books it would not be a problem! Anyone know where I can find these commands?
  5. G

    Free JUKEBOX to those who can help me!

    NielW- If you wanta copy you need to have your email address available!!! update you're profile!!!
  6. G

    Mute Button

    Yes the system Icon button would work but would not be as nearly convenient as it would be on the form, since the form calls the sound file.
  7. G

    Mute Button

    Is it possible to have volume control from an access form? All I want to do is have a button that can enable/disable the sound on the computer. More or less, a mute button.
  8. G

    How to write a txt file based on table info?

    Thanks CPOD! I REM'd out that first line that was giving me trouble and now it works perfect! Isn't that strange? If you want a copy of the finished jukebox program email me and i'll send it to you when its complete. This was my last major hurdle
  9. G

    How to write a txt file based on table info?

    OK Thanks! However, I'm having a little trouble with this. I get an error on the very first line that reads 'user defined type not defined'. This is the exact code I'm using: Dim rst As DAO.Recordset Set rst = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("qryPlaylist_ToTextFile") Dim fs, TextFile Set fs =...
  10. G

    using wildcards in a string query

    In the actual query, under the criteria section of the field [CityState], put: Like Forms![formname]![cboState] & "*" Thats how I handle this type of situation.
  11. G


    If you have a separate form for edit, delete, and search, why don't you just use the button wizard to open each form depending on what button they push? Or to code it just put docmd.openform "formname" on the 'on click' action for each button. That would be much simpler than all this logical...
  12. G

    How to write a txt file based on table info?

    I need to be able to write a text file based on data from a table/query. So for instance if I have 3 table entries, I need to write something like this: Table Entries: 45 12453 332 Text file to write: [some header info] C:\softjuke\files\45.mp3 C:\softjuke\files\12453.mp3 C:\softjuke\files\332.mp3
  13. G

    Free Jukebox for helpers!!! -Question set #2

    Well I guess I'm all alone in here! Just wanted to make another post telling you that problem #2 is resolved! OK Guys I'm down to just one dilema, problem #1. So close... SO close.... help please!!!
  14. G

    Variant = Null = not working right!!!

    You're a Genius!!! Thanks a bunch! So is this the required method of comparing Null in VBA?
  15. G

    Free Jukebox for helpers!!! -Question set #2

    OK so I've almost got the 2nd issue above resolved, except for 1 tiny problem... I used the following code to look for a dulicate entry in a table vs a field on a form. Everything seems to work ok, BUT I'm trying to use and IF THEN statement based on the value of a variant, and it doesn't work...
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