Recent content by GreAppMat

  1. G

    Intelligent Navigation Buttons

    I have done these once before using the DMIN and dMAX functions. I have forgotten how to do this. Can someone help me out? If there is an easier way than this please also let me know.
  2. G

    Creating a new record

    I have based a form off of a qry that displays mainly info from a table. For some reason when the user enters the info and exits the form the info isn't added to the table. The table that is based on doesn't have a record yet for this entry. I need help, very confused.
  3. G

    REad only error

    The below code is to simply compare an input by a user and see if it is a unique entry, if so then add it to a table. I keep getting the following message Run time error 3027 "Can't Update. Database or object is read only" Dim db As DATABASE Dim rs As Recordset strSQL = "tblPartInfo" Set...
  4. G

    Find in a Recordset????

    Dim intPartNumber As String Dim varCriteria As Variant Dim strSQL As String Dim db As DATABASE Dim rs As Recordset strSQL = "tblPartInfo" Set db = CurrentDb() Set rs = db.OpenRecordset(strSQL, dbOpenSnapshot) varCriteria = " PartNumber = " & PartNumber MsgBox (PartNumber) rs.FindFirst...
  5. G

    Too Few Parameters? HELP?

    Do you know what three parameters they are? I have only two needed: a- recordset source b- type of recordset
  6. G

    Too Few Parameters? HELP?

    Sorry! [This message has been edited by GreAppMat (edited 12-07-1999).]
  7. G

    Too Few Parameters? HELP?

    strSQL = "SELECT DISTINCTROW Employee.ID, Projects.[Project ID], Projects.[Project Name], Projects.Mgr " + _ "FROM Projects INNER JOIN (Employee INNER JOIN [Time Sheets] ON Employee.ID = [Time Sheets].ID) " + _ "ON Projects.[Project ID] = [Time Sheets].[Project ID] "...
  8. G


    I'm having the hardest time working with MS Graph to show data from a query. Does anyone know of any specific website that could help me with MS Graph. I am using it as a subrpt for another report. Please help.
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