Recent content by H2wk1

  1. H

    Declare and use a varible in a Select satement???

    ok thanks a million. as usual i'm making things more complicated than they seem. Thanks guys for all your help.
  2. H

    Declare and use a varible in a Select satement???

    is there a function in sql to add 14% vat onto a total? if so what is the structure?
  3. H

    Declare and use a varible in a Select satement???

    yes i the query its self. For each of the parts of the if statement i above. i need to add 14% onto the calculation and then subtract 10%25%or 40% depending on the companies membership level. This applies to both branches of the above calculation.
  4. H

    Declare and use a varible in a Select satement???

    Is it possible to declare and use a varible in a select statement? Is there anyway you can use a varible in a select statement in SQL? Reason i ask is because i have a very complect calculationin the select statement and i need to work out percentages still. Whole query below. SELECT...
  5. H

    Checkbox IIF statement URGENT HELP PLEASE!!!

    Thanks guys. I was being stupid. Must have been the exhaustion. Eveything was right except that the two expressions were exactly the same. Thanks raskew. All appreciate works like a dream now. :-)
  6. H

    Checkbox IIF statement URGENT HELP PLEASE!!!

    Hi... I am currently trying to read the checkbox value from a field in a table and do a calculation using the data. If the checkbox is checked then i charge a weekend rate, if it isn;t checked i charge a weekday rate...
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