Recent content by Heywood43

  1. H

    Slow performance (REALLY slow!)

    Another satisfied developer I just want to echo the sentiments of the others here. I changed my default printer and all is well now. It's funny how a post from years ago still is paying dividends. Thanks so much for saving me time!
  2. H

    Excel 2007 VBA saveas creates file but no content

    Hello I have a strange issue occurring on one computer and not the other. In Excel 2007 I have a xlsm file copying data from Sheet1, pasting it to Sheet2 and then saving as a CSV. The goal here is to create a new file in CSV format with only the contents of Sheet2. Everything works fine on...
  3. H

    Programmatically export filtered query results?

    Hello Please excuse me if this is in the wrong area. I am attempting to solve this problem with VBA so I figured this might be the place. I work on an Access 2007 database that has some pretty complex queries. One of these uses multiple steps in order to ultimately produce query results in a...
  4. H

    Forms in 2007 - can you stop the controls from being grouped?

    SOS - thanks so much, that is exactly what I need. I also added your reference material to my bookmarks. These web sites look like they will come in handy. Thanks again for the quick response.
  5. H

    Forms in 2007 - can you stop the controls from being grouped?

    Hello I am new to Access 2007 and one of the new features seems to be the controls that are generated from a form wizard are grouped together. When you click on the top control for example it shows all of the text boxes highlighted. I created the form based on a query and the form layout was...
  6. H

    Our Next president Barack Obama or John McCain

    Wow. That's a harsh comment. The truth is - like him or not, Bush has appointed more women and minorities to high ranking cabinet positions than Clinton ever did.
  7. H

    Another MS DOS batch file need

    I would never discourage anyone from writing a script to do what they need but there are a couple of handy tools that come to mind I think you could make use of: Microsoft Sync Toy 2 Beta SyncBack Freeware Both actually sync so you don't waste time over-writing unchanged files. I know...
  8. H


    Some how, I thought this clip from South Park is appropriate for this conversation (It's a South Park clip so mildly NSFW):
  9. H


    The meaning is clear. The government will not back any religion. All I am trying to say is that people today have expanded that to mean there should be absolutely no religion in public life. The fact of the matter is that there is nothing in the Constitution to support that claim. That would...
  10. H


    I am not sure what you are basing that on or even what your point is. My point was there is nothing in the Constitution that says "separation of church and state". Yet some claim it is even when they have not read the Constitution. Unfortunately, there are some in the US who feel any public...
  11. H


    Incorrect. Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. In other...
  12. H

    Commenting SQL Code In-Line

    Nice tool. I like how it retains formatting of your SQL also. I always cringe whenever I see my nicely formatted SQL get turned into a stream of text the next time I open it up. I wonder why Microsoft doesn't have this type of functionality out of the box.
  13. H

    Shortcut to SQL Query (View)?

    Because they are proficient at writing SQL queries? To correlate it to Operating Systems it is the old argument "why use a command line when you have the GUI?" The answer is of course you usually can do more with a command line prompt. As you suggested you don't always get what you want from...
  14. H

    using sub-selects for variable date parameters

    I have an Oracle database which contains views which I need to pull data from daily. All of these view exists in the Access database as linked tables via ODBC. Becuase of business requirements I have a bunch of users that only have the ability to use Access to get thier reporting done. Rather...
  15. H

    Date values for this month

    I have used this to get Month To Date information: Between month(now()) & "/1/" & year(now()) And now())) Just place that in your date condition. There is only one problem I have with this, maybe someone else on this forum can help me with. On days like today (the first of the month) the...
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