Recent content by kappa

  1. K

    Select Record from Query

    Tim, I can understand what you are saying about simplifying relational databases and thank you for the sample database you attached. There are a few things in the sample that would make life a bit easier and I will attempt to check it a bit more in detail. Unfortunately I am a bit restricted in...
  2. K

    Update Query Problem

    Problem Solved.. strSQLstatement = "UPDATE [Tblstock_item] SET [Tblstock_item].[Available] = 'No' " & "WHERE [Tblstock_item].[Stock_Item_No] = " & strStockItem
  3. K

    Update Query Problem

    I am trying to update a field in a table with the word "No" via an update query. I am not sure of the correct procedure with a string.. The code below, writes a "0" when run.. strSQLstatement = "UPDATE [Tblstock_item] SET [Tblstock_item].[Available] = No " & " WHERE...
  4. K

    Select Record from Query

    Have Found the solution... As mentioned before, I have put a listbox on the form set to visible=no The rowsource is my Qry_Avail_StockItem query On the On_Click event of my command button is:- Dim rs as object Set rs = Me.Recordset.Clone rs.FindFirst "[Stock_Item_No] = " &...
  5. K

    Select Record from Query

    I have tried your advice and placed a listbox on the form ( which can be set to visible = No). Rowsource = Qry_Avail_StockItem This listbox works ok, displaying the correct record number from my query. I cannot however, select this value in code, behind my command button. I have tried:-...
  6. K

    Select Record from Query

    Thanks Tim, That is the part I am stuck on.. Linking this line to my Query BTW: The reason for limited records is :- The project I am working on is a Liquor Stock Control Program ( for Hotels ) Each Plu Item ( Child ) ie. Pint of Boddingtons has a stock link code field. This four digit number...
  7. K

    Select Record from Query

    Thanks Tim, I did try the combo box idea initially, and it worked fine.. but I do not want to give the user the option to to see or select the record number. This is why I would like to use a command button ( as you suggested in your last paragraph). I am trying to get a Command Button...
  8. K

    Select Record from Query

    Hi Tim, The "Add Record" tag is only for the user.. The button is actually editing an existing record that is empty except for 2 fields. The reason for this is, I can only hold 1023 records in this particular table. A "new" record cannot be added. Once a record is updated/edited in this table, a...
  9. K

    Select Record from Query

    Hi All, I hope I can explain what I am trying to achieve.. I have a "Top 1" query (Qry_Avail_StockItem), which selects the next available record in a table. I have a main form (Frm_MasterStock) with a command button "Add Record". If the user clicks the "Add Record" button, I need the form to go...
  10. K

    Selecting Memo Field from ComboBox

    I just realised what was happening.. I no longer need the str command as I am now reading text.. Thanks again for your help Peter..
  11. K

    Selecting Memo Field from ComboBox

    Sorry, I meant, a single quote between double quotes..
  12. K

    Selecting Memo Field from ComboBox

    Thanks for your help, I have just changed The Stock_Alias field to "text" and included the inverted commas as you suggested. All I get is a "Type mismatch" error on that line of code.
  13. K

    Selecting record's column in subform

    Thanks gizzu, this did work, however I came accross a few more issues with the subform and decided to change to a listbox.. Thanks again for the help.
  14. K

    Selecting Memo Field from ComboBox

    Hi All, I am not sure if this is an easy one or not.. I have a field in a table named Stock_Alias. This field was originally set as a Number field. I have a combo box on a form, which contains the Stock_Alias numbers. When a number is selected, the remaining fields are shown in text boxes. I...
  15. K

    Selecting record's column in subform

    Sorry for the vague description, I hope this makes a bit more sense.. I have a subform on a main form with a Master/Child link in place. The subform is being populated from a query. What I am trying to do is allow the user to click on a record in the subform and select a command button to remove...
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