Recent content by kbrooks

  1. kbrooks

    conditional formatting if changed today

    I'm going to bump this one time. Anyone have any advice?
  2. kbrooks

    conditional formatting if changed today

    On a form that collects physician information, there is a button the user can click that will send a report of everything the form contains to me through email, in a Word document. (We are currently moving from one system to another so we have to enter the same changes in 2 systems until go...
  3. kbrooks

    Show first 50 records

    Yeah, that's the kicker, I need them in alphabetical order. Wouldn't be ideal, but I suppose I could list A-K, L-R, S-Z, etc, if I had to. I'd have to play with it and see how to split it equally, I guess.
  4. kbrooks

    Show first 50 records

    I can't think of a good way to do this. I have a query that selects all staff. I would like to change it to 3 or 4 separate that shows the 1st through the 50th record, the next that selects the 51st through the 100th record, etc. Is this possible?
  5. kbrooks

    Print several reports, unless no data

    I have a macro that will open about 10 reports in the preview mode. Each report runs off it's own query. Several of the reports will have no records and therefore be blank. Currently I go to each report, print it if it has records and close it if it's blank. Which works fine. But I'm...
  6. kbrooks

    If Then statement on a report?

    I had got something to work just after posting, but this is bee-YOO-tee-full compared to what I had. Thank you very much!
  7. kbrooks

    If Then statement on a report?

    This is probably insanely simple, but I just can't figure it out. We have a field called Gender, the values are either M or F. We have a report formatted to look like a letter. I want to put a field on the report that will look at this gender field and put either "Dear Ms." or "Dear Mr." But...
  8. kbrooks

    copy data for 2 week blocks

    Hallelulah, it works! You're right, I was typing the CALL command right on the event line instead of in the code. Got that fixed (and also changed it to pull the date from my StartDate field) and it works beautifully! Thanks for your help (and patience!)
  9. kbrooks

    copy data for 2 week blocks

    I'm sorry....I'm annoying myself so I'm sure I'm driving you absolutely buggy. But I'm apparantly doing something wrong because I'm getting an error. I saved the code (in post #9) as a module and saved it as GenerateMenu. On my form, I put a command button on the top. In the On Click event...
  10. kbrooks

    copy data for 2 week blocks

    Ah....I was close.....I just had CALL GenerateMenu and it wasn't liking that. The date you have for an input, I assume that would be a starting point, like the first date you want added? What does the last 1 indicate, though?
  11. kbrooks

    copy data for 2 week blocks

    This is great stuff, thank you! How do I call this function, though? I thought a button's OnClick event, but can't get it to work. Or is there a better way to do this than a command button? I want one click of the button to copy ahead all 14 days in the Standard Menu.
  12. kbrooks

    copy data for 2 week blocks

    Thank you (both) again for your help. For the 2nd bit of code you gave me, would you call that with a command button on the form? I put a button on and tried to put the code in the On Click event, but it puts a Private Sub line on first that apparantly doesn't play nice with the Public...
  13. kbrooks

    copy data for 2 week blocks

    Wow, thank you for the time you spent on this, I appreciate it! I got about halfway through (added the function) but when I got to the form I wasn't quite sure I'd explained myself right. If I'm reading this code right, it will have them select one hot plate, select a number of days, and it...
  14. kbrooks

    copy data for 2 week blocks

    We have a very simple database showing the menu for a given date....both the sandwich and the hot plate (full meal) being served. Only 4 fields are involved: ID (Autonumber) MDate (Date field) Sandwich HotPlate The Sandwich entries will have to be entered manually because they change depending...
  15. kbrooks

    Formatting calculated elapsed time

    Through other threads here I was able to calculate the elapsed time between 2 date/time fields. ActualElapsedTime: Int([StopActual]-[Start]) & " day " & Format([StopActual]-[Start],"h"" hr ""n"" min ""s"" sec""") It gives results like: 1 day 4 hr 5 min 0 sec Can I change it to give results...
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