Recent content by lilclie

  1. L

    Splitting Multiple Values in a Single Cell to Many Name Columns

    Yes I can. I'll upload one later tonight
  2. L

    Splitting Multiple Values in a Single Cell to Many Name Columns

    Thanks for the answers everyone. Instead of building something custom, I will take the suggestion of DBguy and move to a column/row solution. DBguy, if you are still available, are you able to assist?
  3. L

    Splitting Multiple Values in a Single Cell to Many Name Columns

    Current constraints with the design of the external data and the interpretation of that data do need an overhaul. I have to workaround them for the time being. Are you able to provide a solution into multiple columns? Thank you in advance.
  4. L

    Splitting Multiple Values in a Single Cell to Many Name Columns

    Hi Community, We have an external data source that may have a random combination of values that are separated by semi-colons. I would like to transpose this information into a table where a single value has dedicated column and if present would show 1 for Yes, 0 for no. Is this possible?
  5. L

    Hello World

    Hello everyone! I just entering the world of Access and hoping to learn more about this great product.
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