Recent content by Lissa

  1. L

    Shared Variable not displaying correct value in main report

    Issue resolved... After playing around with different options I eventually resolved this myself by inserting another Detail line and placing the shared variable in that section. I end up referencing that shared variable in a formula in the Details b line.
  2. L

    Shared Variable not displaying correct value in main report

    Hi everyone, I can't seem to figure out what's going on with my Crystal Report (XI). I built a report that displays patient cancellations. I have to calculate the number of days since their last completed appointment. On the main report I have the list of cancelled appointments. I created a...
  3. L

    Understanding IFF in Query

    @jdraw - oops that was a typo @plog - My thoughts exactly about the typing fingers!! Especially when I'm the one stuck maintaining that crap! I'm trying to port the reports over to Crytal Reports and DispenseWholeUnits can only be treated as a boolean. No matter how I rewrite it - I can't get...
  4. L

    Understanding IFF in Query

    Hi y'all - I inherited messy pharmacy reports that are written in MS Access but retreive data from a MS SQL server db. I am having trouble understanding what a nasty IIF statement is doing in a query for one of the reports. The IIF statement is used to determine the value of a field called...
  5. L

    Order By ?

    Okay that will work - thanks!!
  6. L

    Order By ?

    Hi Bob :) Yup you're right about using DATE as a field name. I inherited this database from someone who left and I was being lazy about changing it. :D But I changed it to SubmitDate. I changed the Order By statement to SELECT Format([SubmitDate],'mmm yyyy') AS DateSubmitted...
  7. L

    Order By ?

    Hi everyone - I have a table that contains entries with submit dates formated as mm/dd/yyyy. I wanted to get a count of entries submited by month so I formatted the date so entries would be grouped by month like APR 2010, FEB 2010, MAR 2010 etc. This query produces the results I want - I...
  8. L

    Database Window and Security in 2007

    Lady Di - This might also be helpful about understanting security in Access 2007. I too have database with user level security and have upgraded to Access 2007. I am still able to use the security - I have just not converted the databases to 2007 format. "Article: What happened to...
  9. L

    Display a one to many...

    Hi Kryst51- I can't post the DB but I'm just dealing with two tables. (tblPartStatus, tblNMR) The rest of the form is just a series of Yes/No dropdowns that the inspector answers. The dropdown fields are in the same table as serialnumber, accept, reject... Yes I would like one line to...
  10. L

    Display a one to many...

    Hi Everyone - I'm kind of stumped at the moment and I'm trying to think of more ideas to solve my problem. The database I built is used for tracking inspections on various hardware parts that we use to build our product. I have a form that displays inspection details and a subform to that...
  11. L

    Using OpenArgs

    Update: It worked perfectly with the comma delimeters :-) Thanks Bob!!!
  12. L

    Using OpenArgs

    Hi Bob - Oh that is clever! Okay I will try that -- Thanks!!
  13. L

    Using OpenArgs

    Does anyone know if it possible to pass more than one variable using OpenArgs? DoCmd.OpenForm "frmIncmngInpectLog", acNormal, , , acFormAdd, , Me.txtPackingSlip, Me.txtDateRecd, Me.cbPart Is not working... :confused: ... unless I only use one argument. I need to pass all variables...
  14. L

    Use subform on multiple forms?

    Sorry for the late response about the outcome - in and out of meetings.... but adding the variable worked!!! Thanks Bob!! This saves me alot of extra work! :-)
  15. L

    Use subform on multiple forms?

    Sorry for the late response about the outcome - in and out of meetings.... but adding the variable worked!!! Thanks Bob!! This saves me alot of extra work! :-)
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