Recent content by MandiC

  1. M

    Biweekly search....

    What I am trying to do is create a form with multiple buttons to select First : The Location Then: The Fiscal Year Finally I want to create a button/ query to go through the table and find the dates with in a 2 weeks span....Like if I select Daytona FY14 and then the Pay period would be 1 it...
  2. M

    Button to open .r2w or a .bat file

    Found an answer with a great thread that I can't even post on here yet
  3. M

    Button to open .r2w or a .bat file

    :confused: So I have been slowly creating a database to make my users input their time in a report and it currently askes them if they have entered it in a special program. I am having a problem when they answer no it will not open the program. I have this all in VBA format currently and can not...
  4. M

    Good Morning

    Hi My name is Mandi. I am fairly new to database creation. I have been learning alot through your threads. Thank you!:p
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