Recent content by marabak

  1. M

    Retrieve Last query not working as intended

    Cheers for the replies guys. As I said previously, this isn't my database and there are quite a few things I would do differently. Using Max has definitely solved the issue now though. Thank you
  2. M

    Retrieve Last query not working as intended

    Hey guys. I wrote a massive email with lots of details etc. about my issue just, but I was logged out before it posted and I have lost it all. I'll try to be more concise this time. I've been left with a database someone else built over two years ago and an issue has recently cropped up. Part...
  3. M

    VBA, SQL and Date Formats

    Hi. I am having some trouble with formatting dates in my database. Ideally, I want every date to be in the format of dd/mm/yyyy but there is one point in my database that it keeps flipping to mm/dd/yyyy and I can't figure out why. I've tried many variations of Format(date,"dd/mm/yyy") etc. so I...
  4. M

    Set 0 Values in table as Blank in Listbox

    Cool, thank you
  5. M

    Set 0 Values in table as Blank in Listbox

    Hi pbaldy The rowsource is currently directed straight to the table. Is the only way to create a query pulling all of the information from the table then? Thank you
  6. M

    Set 0 Values in table as Blank in Listbox

    Hey. Basically, my question is as the title suggests. I have a table which is populated via an INSERT SQL using VBA to adapt to the information that I want to store in the table. If the SQL adds a new entry but the field isn't specified in the SQL, it sets 0 as a value. On my form I have a...
  7. M

    Update Record to contain empty date

    Cheers guys, that seems like an elegant and simple solution :D
  8. M

    Update Record to contain empty date

    Hey I have a query which I have built up in VBA to allow a quick and easy way for the user to edit a record (without having to delve into the tables etc.). Fundamentally, the data from that record is retrieved to a bunch of textboxes on a form, with a button to "save" the changes. The user...
  9. M

    Date format issues with VBA Update SQL

    Ahh, I think the dates have been red herring!! After typing out the error message (rather than just reading it), I noticed it mentioned the criteria expression. I had ' ' surrounding my ID so it was probably trying to compare a string to a table of integers. Removing these appears to have...
  10. M

    Date format issues with VBA Update SQL

    Hi Minty. Thank you for your reply. If I change the SQL to 'run sql addSQL = "UPDATE OnSite SET SerialNo = " & editserial & ", Activity = " & editactivity _ & ", RefDate = #" & Me!editRefDate & "#, ExpDate = #" & Me!EditExpiry & "#" _ & " WHERE [ID] = '" & ID...
  11. M

    Date format issues with VBA Update SQL

    Hey. I have a form which contains 5 textboxes which are pre-populated with some information from a table. Fundamentally, I want the user to be able to make some changes and save it to the table (without being bound in case they change there mind etc.). I have some VBA script which runs when...
  12. M

    Calculate Column in Listbox based on User Date

    Edit: Thank you arnelgp as well :D
  13. M

    Calculate Column in Listbox based on User Date

    Thank you Spike. I had just figured it out as well, and came back here to post my result. I didn't realise that the SQL in the query could be calculated as well at the time, I thought it was just selecting what was in the table. Thanks for the reply My new code is: Function loadQuery() As...
  14. M

    Calculate Column in Listbox based on User Date

    Hi people. I'm new to this forum, but not truly new to Access. I currently have a system whereas I have a single table containing some information regarding on-site radioactivity. On a form, I have a listbox displaying some information from that table or, if the user checks an appropriate...
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