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  • May i Know, is there any way to change the field vlues using one unbound combobox,

    I have one table named tblattendance with field date, empl#, Name, Attendancetype, .... querid this table with the all the above fields with creteria [enter date] on Date field and created forms for this query, the form has all the above fields on form detail and one Combobox(cmbtypeall) and commandbutton(cmdchange) on Page header. I want to set the value this combobox to the filed value of "Attendance type" by changing there current value as click on the command button "cmdChane". Shortly, on "cmdchange" click assign value of "txttypeall" to all records field value of "AttendaceType" on Tblattendance by changing there current value

    Please advise

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