Recent content by Matizo

  1. M

    Change IF Statement

    I think it's solved :)
  2. M

    Delete query

    Hi I've got tblServices, tblEmployees and because it is many-to-many I use tblAllocations to assign employees to services (in tblAllocations I've only got EmployeeNo and ClientNo) I used primary key for EmployeeNo and ClientNo so it works now... I didn't know that it possible to have one...
  3. M

    Change IF Statement

    Basically I'm trying to delete double allocations. for example employee A cannot be allocated twice to the same job. Hence, I don't know how to prevent double allocations I'm trying to run the query to delete them when the occur... Cheers!
  4. M

    Delete query

    Basically I'm trying to delete double allocations. for example employee A cannot be allocated twice to the same job. Hence, I don't know how to prevent double allocations I'm trying to run the query to delete them when the occur... Cheers!
  5. M

    Delete query

    Hi, Why is this delete query not working? DELETE tblAllocations.*, ([tblAllocations_1].[EmployeeNo]=[tblAllocations].[EmployeeNo]) FROM tblAllocations, tblAllocations AS tblAllocations_1 WHERE (((([tblAllocations_1].[EmployeeNo]=[tblAllocations].[EmployeeNo]))=True)); Thanks guys!
  6. M

    Unbound form - make a required field

    Thank you John, I added your code and it works as it should :o Cheers!
  7. M

    Unbound form - make a required field

    hello, As in the title, I've created unbounded form to add new record (job). How do I make the ClientID field required? Thanks!
  8. M

    Change IF Statement

    Thanks guys, it works now. One more question, why is my delete query not working if I use the SQL below? DELETE tblAllocations.*, ([tblAllocations_1].[EmployeeNo]=[tblAllocations].[EmployeeNo]) FROM tblAllocations, tblAllocations AS tblAllocations_1 WHERE...
  9. M

    Change IF Statement

    Hi, Thanks for the reply, but I'm still getting an error "wrong number of arguments". Cheers
  10. M

    One more field

    Janr... it is a loooong story, all I want to do is to finish this database by tomorrow. :) I've tried to use & but not , (yes, I know this is dummy) Thank you anyway!
  11. M

    One more field

    Hi, How do I change the code below to include one more field in the second combo box i.e. ServiceNo. I want both ServiceTitle and ServiceNo to appear (there are both in the same table). Private Sub ClientNo_AfterUpdate() Me.ServiceNo.RowSource = "SELECT ServiceTitle FROM" & _...
  12. M

    Change IF Statement

    I get an error when I try to input this expression. Error: "The expression you entered contains invalid syntax". Thanks!
  13. M

    Change IF Statement

    Hi, Could someone please add to the IF Statement below one more field: BusinessName. Besically, if the Forename and Surname are NULL the BusinessName show appear and vice versa. Client Name: IIf(IsNull([Surname]),IIf(IsNull([Forename]),[Forename]),IIf(IsNull([Forename]),[Surname],[Forename] &...
  14. M

    Many to Many + Availability

    Anyone... Please... I really need some idea...:confused:
  15. M

    Count field

    Hi, yes it works for me too :) However, I figured out that it will be better to use it as a code: Private Sub lstEmployees_AfterUpdate() Me.txtCount = Me.lstEmployees.ItemsSelected.Count End Sub This way I get instant update whenever I select/unselect a record in the box :) Cheers!
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