Recent content by mikej0077

  1. M

    Query to Select all records that start the same

    Cool, that's kind of working. I need to keep playing with these to figure out how to get what I want. Thanks for the help!
  2. M

    Query to Select all records that start the same

    Here's what I put. It seems to be just giving me the first 35 characters of all the records. I am trying to narrow the list down. SELECT DISTINCT Left([Title],35) AS First35, [Pre Sep].ProductCode, [Pre Sep].Title FROM [Pre Sep];
  3. M

    Query to Select all records that start the same

    That sounds promising... will look into this. Thanks!
  4. M

    Query to Select all records that start the same

    Will this solution work for a table with thousands of records? I'm still just learning, but my understanding is that this will return the first 20 characters of every field. I only want the records that have the same first 20 characters as other records in the field.
  5. M

    Query to Select all records that start the same

    Ha good spot. 21 Characters then.
  6. M

    Query to Select all records that start the same

    Is there a query I can do that will select all the records that start the same? Example: Chef Works Baseball Cap Blue Chef Works Baseball Cap Red Chef Works Baseball Cap Yellow Whites Baseball Cap Blue Whites Baseball Cap Red Whites Baseball Cap Yellow Fruit of the loom T-shirt Blue Fruit of...
  7. M

    Is there an Access genius out there that can solve this problem?

    It can, but I can't put it in a csv to upload as plain text, because everything will be on the same line. Or at least it was the first time I tried.
  8. M

    Is there an Access genius out there that can solve this problem?

    You're right, that did take me hours! I'm only just learning access so, SQL is a bit beyond me at this moment in time. Thanks for looking at this though!
  9. M

    Is there an Access genius out there that can solve this problem?

    Thanks for this. I will do my best, but I'm still a bit of a novice. I don't suppose there's any chance you could do an example of what you mean, and I can try to use that to figure out how to do the whole lot?
  10. M

    Is there an Access genius out there that can solve this problem?

    So I don't think this can be done... but then I am just a lowly novice when it comes to access. Is there one out there that can solve this seemingly impossible challenge? So I am trying to upload our products on to shopify. After a lot of effort I have come so close, but there is one last...
  11. M

    Combining Fields in a Query

    That looks like it has done the trick! Thanks mate!
  12. M

    Combining Fields in a Query

    Is there a quick way to do that for the entire table?
  13. M

    Combining Fields in a Query

    I had tried a couple things along these lines... but I suspect the same thing is causing them not to work: Body (HTML)2: IIf(IsNull([COMP BOX QUANTITY]),"","Box quantity - " & [COMP BOX QUANTITY] & "<br />") and Body (HTML)2: IIf(Nz([COMP BOX QUANTITY]),"","Box quantity - " & [COMP BOX QUANTITY]...
  14. M

    Combining Fields in a Query

    That sounds like a plan... I'm still familiarizing myself with access so if you could tell me how I do this, I would appreciate it!
  15. M

    Combining Fields in a Query

    Hi there, It's been a long time since I used Access, so I am having to familiarize myself with it. So apologies if this is an obvious question. I am trying to combine a number of fields into one field to create the body, (in HTML), of my product descriptions. If the field is populated I want...
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