Recent content by minasnoldo

  1. M

    Attendance Database Query problems (rolling, non-rolling, and incetives)

    Things got really busy at work so I put this on the back burner for the last 2 weeks. In that time, I was talking to our lead data analyst about it and he thought it would be a fun challenge. So, as time permits we meet and go over each step that needs to be solved (one at a time) and he...
  2. M

    Attendance Database Query problems (rolling, non-rolling, and incetives)

    Which table do you consider the main entity table here? tblAssociateInfo (1 to 1 with an associate - running total) or tblAssociateOccurences (1 to 1 with each occurrence)?
  3. M

    Attendance Database Query problems (rolling, non-rolling, and incetives)

    Plog - It is an .accdb file. I thought they were 2007 and higher compatible, but it may be an access 2010 or higher only. The main reason I beleive that HR wants a Db of some sort is because using excel sheets for 400+ associates across 20+ departments gets cumbersome. GinaWhipp - Just got...
  4. M

    Attendance Database Query problems (rolling, non-rolling, and incetives)

    That would be correct. So if a query won't work, what would my options be?
  5. M

    Attendance Database Query problems (rolling, non-rolling, and incetives)

    Yes. Occurences that deduct points (such as perfect peak season attendance) are permenant (they don't roll off) and they do stack (there are some long time employess with years of perfect attendance in the negative 20s). It's just that they (usually) get cancelled out by positive points...
  6. M

    Attendance Database Query problems (rolling, non-rolling, and incetives)

    If I am not misunderstanding you (a real possibility), I am not sure that would work. I am going to mentally run through the logic by typing it: An associate has 4 occurences, going in to peak season. They have a perfect peak season so the 3 oldest points (note: points, not occurrences) are...
  7. M

    Attendance Database Query problems (rolling, non-rolling, and incetives)

    There, I anonymized my sample data (already scrambled) and uploaded the whole Db. I apologize for the mess as I have not gotten to the house cleaning part yet. The report in the example is rptEmployeeOccurrencesIndividual. edit: An associate that doesn't calculate correctly would be Patrick...
  8. M

    Attendance Database Query problems (rolling, non-rolling, and incetives)

    I put an image of the desired output (hope that is what you were looking for), but the forum won't let me upload tblAssociateOccurrences table as an .xlsx file (invalid file error). How do I get you the table?
  9. M

    Attendance Database Query problems (rolling, non-rolling, and incetives)

    The Attendance Database: Tables: tblAssociateInfo (general associate info), tblAssociateOccurrences (where the actual occurrences are stored including point value), Essential fields: - tblAssociateInfo o EID (primary key; has a 1 to many relationship with EID on...
  10. M


    Hi, I have lurked these forums for awhile getting assistance on various Access issues. You all have been very helpful. But, today is the day that I now have an issue that both greatly exceeds my minimal skills and for which I am unable to find a solution to. So I joined I look forward to...
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