Recent content by Murphy

  1. M

    Linking exsisting tables to different forms

    what does the combo box do? if you have combined all 3 tables into one, what is it your trying to achieve?
  2. M

    how to print a single form

    by the way, you can also create a button that prompts you to select the record you want to print in form view...using the wizard will guide you through that.
  3. M

    Date problem

    what I have done for my forms is when a person enters the database to update the record, I have the default value set to: =Now()+180, this will automatically set the date to 180 days from the time the form was opened. question, does the data get entered the same day its inspected? also be sure...
  4. M

    Question - how to remove tool bar options when application is open

    thank you Dairy Farmer, I tried adding the code you suggested and it still allows the tools to be available. I am not an expert in Access but I do know some things, I am still learning the VBA side of it. I opened the main form in design mode and thought that is where the code should be...
  5. M

    Question - how to remove tool bar options when application is open

    Thank you the Net 2.0 and Dairy Farmer, rethinking this particular database, Dairy Farmer, you have a good idea, removing it completly will be just fine. No one needs to use any of the options available in the tool bar, I already have all the buttons they need to use in the database forms...
  6. M

    Question - how to remove tool bar options when application is open

    under the HOME options in Access 2007, I want the XDelet option to be greyed out so no one will have the ability to use it while in the specidied database. Can this be done?
  7. M

    Sending Email to mulitple users from Access

    Great, thanks for the information, appreciate this a lot. Not being a programmer and having projects dumped on me this forum I can see will be helpful...thanks again ghudson.
  8. M

    Sending Email to mulitple users from Access

    thank you ghudson, that is some code. what sections would I need to change to fit my form? would I be able to remove the bcc sections without effecting the workings of the code?
  9. M

    Sending Email to mulitple users from Access

    thanks Grundy82...let you know the results...have a great day
  10. M

    Sending Email to mulitple users from Access

    thank you G81, I am not up to VB codeing as I like but I will give that a go over. thanks again. Thank you Grundy82 for the link. I have downloaded the information and will see what I can do with it.
  11. M

    Sending Email to mulitple users from Access

    I have a database and I was requested to setup a process to email various "Process Owners" on a click of a button. I have tried doing it with a macro, I tried some ways using queries and tables but I can not seem to get it right. A form is filled in with process owners, this is done by a drop...
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