Recent content by Number11

  1. N

    Solved Mass Importing Txt Files

    Running well now thank you :)
  2. N

    Solved Mass Importing Txt Files

    thanks also had to change With .OpenTextFile(path, 2) to With .OpenTextFile(col(j & ""), 2) running now...
  3. N

    Solved Mass Importing Txt Files

    setup the table as you have suggested and started the job it imported all the files within the first folder and deleted them as planned and it threw up this error... if i now try to start the job again its says..
  4. N

    Solved Mass Importing Txt Files

    Thank you yes that worked, so now for a different question, i also have to import other text files they are in a folder and has then a folder for each day, folders are named as the date like this 2024-01-31 and contain 2-3 files in each folder how's best to get these to import in bulk too ?
  5. N

    Solved Mass Importing Txt Files

    Thanks added that getting another error now on
  6. N

    Solved Mass Importing Txt Files

    Ok thank you for sharing, i am getting a run time error using this code..
  7. N

    Solved Mass Importing Txt Files

    I am looking for a better way to import txt files rather than me having to select the file and then import all the files are within 1 folder
  8. N

    Solved Convert a text string date to dd/mm/yyyy

    Thanks all i got it working using RealDate: DateSerial(Left([T_Date], 4), Mid([T_Date], 5, 2), Right([T_Date], 2)) 20231130 = 30/11/2023 :)
  9. N

    Solved Convert a text string date to dd/mm/yyyy

    Hwllo, so i am trying to confirm a date string and format as date 20231129 would be 29/11/2023 what's the best way to confirm via query
  10. N

    Count the number of rows with a number?

    I am trying to get this working i have a pivot that is showing at the moment three month columns. I want to count the number of rows within the pivot that have data which is a number =COUNTIF(Q10:Q150000, "<>")-1 (i am using the 1- top removed the pivot totals) =COUNTIF(R10:R150000, "<>")-1...
  11. N

    Solved Remove text Prefix from a number

    ok thanks got it working now using AccountRef: Mid([Account_No],5)
  12. N

    Solved Remove text Prefix from a number

    Thanks how would i use this in the query?
  13. N

    Solved Remove text Prefix from a number

    Its always the same and position
  14. N

    Solved Remove text Prefix from a number

    Hi So i need to remove the prefixed number from "ACC/0014471211" to "0014471211" whats the best way to do this with a query?
  15. N


    how do i copy this formula to all rows =COUNTIF(A:A,A112911) if i drag it it changed the row number =COUNTIF(A:A,A112912) =COUNTIF(A:A,A112913) =COUNTIF(A:A,A112914) =COUNTIF(A:A,A112915) and so on..
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