Recent content by pdx_man

  1. pdx_man

    Do I really need Tables with SQL Backend

    If you have no forms, then there would be no reason to "require" linked tables.
  2. pdx_man

    How do I run script on sql server from Access

    You must use a pass-through query to run TSQL statements directly on SQL Server.
  3. pdx_man

    SQL Select query output to Access or Excel?

    Put a Breakpoint on the Docmd line. Go into the <b>Immediate</b> window <i> Ctrl G </i> and type in: ? strSQL Hit enter. That will return what is in the variable. Copy this to a query. Query Window <New> <OK> <Close> <First button on toolbar SQL> <Paste> <!> Debug that and correct your VBA...
  4. pdx_man

    Capture network logon name

    Have you tried Ye Ole: Environ("Username") ??
  5. pdx_man

    Round function

    Use this. Then it will work for any precision: Function CRound(MyVal As Double, Prec As Integer) As Double CRound = Int(MyVal * 10 ^ Prec + 0.5) / 10 ^ Prec End Function
  6. pdx_man

    Changing no results to zero

    I don't believe that would work if there were no results return from the nested select. It won't return a null value ... just no rows at all.
  7. pdx_man

    Changing no results to zero

    You'll have to check if there are any results first. Something like this: IF EXISTS(Select YourValue From YourTable) Select YourValue From YourTable ELSE SELECT 0
  8. pdx_man

    Convert Seconds into HH:MM:SS

    Sure thing. It is always nice to see that our efforts are appreciated.
  9. pdx_man

    Dates from MSAccess in SQLReporting?????

    OK, let's line things out here ... You are running SQL 2005 Reporting Services You have a MS Access database as the data source where the data is stored locally in the Access database. My guess is that you are trying to reference a query in that Access database which uses an Access function...
  10. pdx_man

    Dates from MSAccess in SQLReporting?????

    I'm guessing you are looking for the DateName function. SELECT DATENAME(MONTH, [Date Entered]) AS Month_Name
  11. pdx_man

    Simple T-SQL problem adding a 0 with a field

    This is not a simple T-SQL problem, but rather a formatting issue. In Access, a quick fix would be: Format("01/2/1998","mm/dd/yyyy") A T-SQL fix would involve using the CONVERT function. Refer to BOL.
  12. pdx_man

    Dates from MSAccess in SQLReporting?????

    Well, I'm guessing you are doing this query in Access ... so there is no MONTHNAME function ... try: Format([Date Entered], "MMMM") If you are looking to do this in SQL, you will have to do a CASE statement for the month: CASE MONTH([Date Entered]) WHEN 1 THEN "January" WHEN 2 THEN "February" : :
  13. pdx_man

    How on earth do I do this?????

    If you don't have a scheduled Windows task, then how can you ensure the database is open and working on the first day of the month? Basically you need to ensure a form is open and have the timer event set to check if Day(Date()) = 1
  14. pdx_man

    Remove Leading characters

    Hey Wideawake ... are you asleep? Did this solve your issue?
  15. pdx_man

    Remove Leading characters

    Try MID(YourField,5)
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