Recent content by Prysson

  1. P

    Help with Treeview

    I fill out a treeview based on a series of tables that represents locations. For example tblLocation LocationID Location tblArea LocationID AreaID Area tblRow AreaID RowID Row tblPlot RowID PlotID Plot The Treeview uses the following code to populate itself in the form. Dim NodX As Node...
  2. P

    Query with a Null value isnt working

    Cool Worked great...just needed to move that " to after the Where. Thank a bundle again!!!
  3. P

    Query with a Null value isnt working

    Ran into a problem trying to utilize the same concept The real change comes in that the string I build off of the Iff statement does NOT have any preceding Where conditions in the SQL statement... .Open "Select * From tblContactCompany Where & CompVal" Is the sql statement I set the value...
  4. P

    How do I get lines in a list box

    When you have multiple columns in a list box they get divided by a thin gray can I get lines to divide the records?
  5. P

    Query with a Null value isnt working

    Excellent!! It worked...Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. I have been banging my head on the wall over that for two days now. Much appreciation!!
  6. P

    Query with a Null value isnt working

    Sort of works but not quite. Thanks for the reply..I appreciate the time. The solution you gave almost works but not quite. What occurs with the code you gave me is that If the Middle Initial text box is Null the it basically pulls up any values that have the same last name and first name...
  7. P

    How do I Autoselect listbox record by value entered in text box.

    That works PERFECT!!! That is cool. Thanks a bundle for the help!
  8. P

    How do I Autoselect listbox record by value entered in text box.

    Say I have a form with a List box that display last names. And there is a text box on the form where the user can enter in letters. How can I autselect the records according to whats in the text field automatically. Say the user enters in the letter H Then the list field automatically moves...
  9. P

    Query with a Null value isnt working

    I am trying to build an ADODB recordset. Here is my code Set Recordset = New ADODB.Recordset With Recordset .ActiveConnection = CurrentProject.Connection .CursorLocation = adUseServer .CursorType = adOpenKeyset .LockType = adLockOptimistic .Open "Select *...
  10. P

    Treeview problem

    I have a wizard that has two pages to it. In the first page the user selects an option from a drop down combo box. The value selected fills a treeview in the second page with certain items related to the option chosen. However when the use click back and changes the item selected in the combo...
  11. P

    Data Type mismatch in expression

    Here is my query .Open "SELECT tblLocation.*, tblArea.* FROM tblArea INNER JOIN tblLocation ON tblArea.LocationID = tblLocation.LocationID WHERE tblLocation.LocationID =’” & Me!cmbLocation & “’ & tblArea.AreaName =’” & Me!txtArea & “’;" I suspect that the problem is because the...
  12. P

    tabbing controls in pagebreaks on same form

    I have created a wizard using pagebreaks and the wizard works fine...I have however run into a problem where tabbing through controls is not relegated to a specific page break. What ends up occuring is that if I tab too far the window shifts up into the next page and I dont want it to do...
  13. P

    If IsNull Then fo multiple controls

    I need to check for IsNull on four of the five controls on a form. If there was only one control I would just write the code at the start of the procedure to If IsNull Then MsgBox "You must yadda yadda yadda", vbOKOnly + vbCritical, "Error" Else REST OF PROCEDURE However the...
  14. P

    adding records to recordset from treeview selections

    Figured it out...never mind
  15. P

    adding records to recordset from treeview selections

    Ok I actually am fairly least I have narrowed down my problem. It relates to the treeview node, Key parameter. Conseider this When I build the nodes for the treeview I use this bit of code Do While Not rs.EOF With Me!TreeViewEmployees .Nodes.Add , , "Employee " &...
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