Recent content by radam

  1. radam

    Access-starter needs help with a sports database

    Thank you a lot for your replies! Ah, I din't know that was even possible. I knew that a combo box can have a list of names etc, but I din't know that it is possible to have the names displayed and then actually the ID stored. For this I would use the BoundColumn property, is this right? If it...
  2. radam

    Access-starter needs help with a sports database

    Hi there! :) During the last years, I made a bunch of skijumping-related "statistics" in LibreOffice Calc, some smaller ones, but also one that has grown so big that I needed to switch to Excel as I had reached LibreOffice's column limit. As this one is getting quite confusing and uncomfortable...
  3. radam

    Hello from Erfurt :-)

    Hi there! :-) I'm Rada, 26, from Erfurt (Germany). I'm new to Access and can only do the things from Sali Keceli's Access-Youtube-Tutorials. When I'm not playing or writing music, I mostly do things related to ski jumping, but since my knees aren't the strongest, I don't jump anymore, but am...
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