Recent content by sarahb845

  1. S

    Eep! Many to Many Relationships!?

    you should be fine with a junction table that contains only: tblApplicationPosting ApplicationID (PK) PostingID (PK) as long as the tblPosting has a different record for EACH cost center (location) and EACH open job (one cost center could have multiple openings of the same position, vacated on...
  2. S

    execution of form events

    Main form: frmPhoneLog Hidden form: frmDetectIdleTime I have seen several other posts dealing with user idle time. I went to the ms kb and found code that detects user idle time. That code has the entire database close when the max time has been reached. However, I want only my main form...
  3. S

    close form: command button

    Thanks everyone for your help. I went with DBL's response. I added that code to the cmdClose_Click. It seems to work now!
  4. S

    close form: command button

    I need to keep the code in the BeforeUpdate b/c the user might go into the form and decide to close it w/o creating a new record. I only want the field required if they've actually created a new record. Keeping the code on the OnClick of the close button forces them to enter something in the...
  5. S

    close form: command button

    I have a command button (cmdClose) that closes my form OnClick. I also have a Form_BeforeUpdate that checks to make sure a particular required field has been filled in. If it hasn't, it pops a message box to either set-focus to the field (click YES) or cancel the entire record (click NO)...
  6. S

    AfterUpdate problem

    Resolved problem Resolved this problem by removing the afterupdate code.
  7. S

    AfterUpdate problem

    I have a form that has a couple of required fields (the fields in the table has Required set to "Yes"). They are: Caller Name and CallDtTm. After the Caller Name is updated, I'd like the CallDtTm set to Now(), only if the CallDtTm is Null or blank. (Basically, I only want the CallDtTm for...
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    Thank you so much for this. I was thinking this might be an impossible thing, but it was SO easy! sarah
  9. S

    Never seen this before

    What are these System Tables for? What do they do?
  10. S

    Form has changed error

    DoCmd.Close I am wondering about this code: Private Sub cmdClose_Click() ' Code for the Close Form command button located on bottom of form. Dim stDocName As String Dim stLinkCriteria As String stDocName = "Switchboard" DoCmd.OpenForm stDocName, , , stLinkCriteria...
  11. S

    Form has changed error

    Users are getting a "Form has changed" error when closing a form, even if all they did was look at data. There were no changes to the records, and they do not have access to make design changes. The database is split; both fe and be reside on a server. All users (approx. 10) have full rights...
  12. S

    concurrent edit problem

    If you use the Tools - Options settings, do you also have to go into each form & report and set it's record locking to from No Locks to Edited Records? Does the Tools - Options setting over-ride the record locking setting at the form level?
  13. S

    Page Numbers: NewPageAfter group, unless last group

    anyone have any suggestions for this???
  14. S

    Page Numbers: NewPageAfter group, unless last group

    I have altered the NewPageAfter for a group footer when it is the last group for the report because I want the report totals to print on the same page as the last group total. The code I'm using is: Private Sub ftrOperUnit_Format(Cancel As Integer, FormatCount As Integer) ' Sets the...
  15. S

    Interesting Requery problem

    Problem solved! - here's what I did to fix: Date range parameter textboxes were causing the problem. The default value in the textbox properties was left blank. (I do not want anything to appear in the textboxes on open. The field that these textboxes are affecting could contain null dates...
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