Recent content by SkyCraw

  1. S

    Access 2016 DAO.Recordset returns table name instead of column value

    Looks like it was something to do with one of recent Version 2005 updates for Office that bricked my code. Reverting back to Version 2004 (Build 12730.20270) fixed this issue for me. EDIT: Will need to watch for Office updates now...
  2. S

    Access 2016 DAO.Recordset returns table name instead of column value

    Original post here. Just wondering if anyone here has had any recent DAO VBA issues in Access 2016/2019 where the same code works just fine in 2007. This issue seems to have sprouted around June 10th, but I can't seem to find any Windows 10/Office 2016/2019 Click-To-Run updates correlating...
  3. S

    Fire On Close event based on Report state

    Right now, it's to hide the Access window and just display the pop up search and input forms I have once the report is closed. I have all my menus and input forms as pop ups, but search forms and reports appear within the Access window. Reason why this is a problem is hiding Access seems to...
  4. S

    Fire On Close event based on Report state

    Thanks for the reply Bob! It appears both times when I try using just a msgbox in the On Close event after opening it using either one of the following methods: DoCmd.OpenReport rptname, acViewPreview DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputReport, rptname, acFormatPDF, filepath, False
  5. S

    Fire On Close event based on Report state

    Hello everyone, Is there any way to decipher between outputting a report and opening a report in VBA? I have code within a report's On Close event that I only want run when the report is opened in Print Preview. I've tried using the following... Reports(rptname).CurrentView OR...
  6. S

    Create Form with OnClose Sub

    Awesome! THANKS SNEUBERG! :D
  7. S

    Create Form with OnClose Sub

    Hello everyone, It's been a while! Can anyone please point me in the direction on how I can create a form in VBA and add an OnClose event to it? I've been searching the interwebs high and low for an answer to this. Creating the form in VBA is no trouble (I've got a fairly complex one going...
  8. S

    Access 2007 subdatasheet form to Visual Studio 2015 VB Windows Form App

    Not yet, thanks for asking though GBalcom. Is there any other programming language/assembly/reference I can incorporate (without monetary investment) that would allow me to have this functionality?
  9. S

    Access 2007 subdatasheet form to Visual Studio 2015 VB Windows Form App

    Just following up with this as it's been almost two months since my last post, noticing this forum post has gathered lots of views too. Anyone make any headway on an editable master detail datagridview? If I can make this editable, this will propel my current VS research project forward...
  10. S

    Access 2007 subdatasheet form to Visual Studio 2015 VB Windows Form App

    Thanks for the info Chris! I think the second link you supplied is the best direction indeed for me to take. Now, I just need to make this editable... should be fairly straightforward right (currently searching as I post this)?
  11. S

    Access 2007 subdatasheet form to Visual Studio 2015 VB Windows Form App

    Anyone else have any suggestions for this?
  12. S

    Access 2007 subdatasheet form to Visual Studio 2015 VB Windows Form App

    No, they are indeed forms with subforms. I've attached a sample database showing this functionality. Yes, there's a table and sub-table, but that's not how I'm allowing the end user to interact with the data. I've also attached a snippet of a more dignified example that we're currently using in...
  13. S

    Access 2007 subdatasheet form to Visual Studio 2015 VB Windows Form App

    Hello, I`m currently trying to accomplish the following (forum link to save duplicate posting): Anyone on these forums know how I would go about doing this? Any help at all...
  14. S

    Firing On Current Event For Subdatasheet Form

    Marked this thread as solved simply because this workaround inquiry only existed due to poor database designing (also lead to poor database performance). Once I corrected the errors of my ways and had these 15 lines as individual records in another table, instead of 150+ additional columns...
  15. S

    Command Button embedded within form Datasheet view column

    This solution is awesome and is actually better than my workaround! I'll see if I can apply this to my front-end! :)
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