Recent content by smile

  1. S

    access currency symbol change

    Just found this Is there macro or something to reset this database wide?
  2. S

    access currency symbol change

    Hello, after local currency change to Euro, I changed the currency symbol in the regional settings on my PC, however now access shows the nonsense like : #.##0,00" Lt";-#.##0,00" Lt" Instead of showing currency as to follow OS currency symbol? How to resolve this automatically, I cant change...
  3. S

    query filter error

    I found a code that allows me to populates text box on my form with comma separated values from the listbox But for some reason when I pass the criteria on my query using the text box it only works for since selections I also found various posts about how to build the queries using SQL ir...
  4. S

    query filter error

    But this is the same issue I'm having. I need to filter a query that makes data for my report by using listbox extended (multiselect), and you posted about custom code I need. I read the articles, and I understand some of the code, but I need directions to help adapting it to my database...
  5. S

    query filter error

    Hello, I have multiple queries filter by date as criteria and then I open a report from those queries by using a button on my form. Button code is like this: I have inserted a listbox to my form: "I want the listbox to look up values in table or query" I then selected my table that contains...
  6. S

    query filter error

    I don't know what to search for, can you give me any keywords?
  7. S

    query filter error

    I have no idea how to write VBA, most of stuff I know I have learned from this forum by example. I can provide a database sample if you could take a look at it. Sorry if my English is bad.
  8. S

    query filter error

    Thank you, I'm so grateful. You saved my day :) I see this works for text box and comb box too. If I would like to use a list box (I think it passes as many variables as I select right?) to filter say 2 different criteria than I need VBA?
  9. S

    query filter error

    Hi, I have a query in my database that filter data from 2 tables with relationship one to many between tables. I also have a form with text boxes for inputing data to the query. In the query I have a criteria that takes input from my form. The code in query criteria field is Between...
  10. S

    Fix GIMP plugin path problem in python script

    I have downloaded the from I'm using Windows XP SP3 With GIMP 2.6 I don't know any python, but I understand that this script uses invalid path for windows "/home/gjd/restore" I tried to change it to c:\res\...
  11. S

    How to delete selected record on subform with delete button?

    Hmm, I now see that becaue this code Dim rs As Recordset Set rs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordSet("Select * from [tbl_type]") rs.FindFirst "[ID] =" & Me!List3 rs.Delete Me.List3.Requery works with recordset the normal undo button does not work. How can make a pop-up to instruct the user that...
  12. S

    How to delete selected record on subform with delete button?

    See my attached image So how do make it work? Is my solution on post 5 correct?
  13. S

    How to delete selected record on subform with delete button?

    I know about correct naming, sorry was in a hurry just made a sample db using the wizard ant it named my form as tbl because it was created from table. Just trying to understand the correct way to delete selected items using a button. I need to be able to delete from listbox and subform as...
  14. S

    Delete a row from a listbox

    I have tried this code and it seems to work: Dim rs As Recordset Set rs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordSet("Select * from [tblEmployees]") rs.FindFirst "[EmployeesID] =" & Me!List0 rs.Delete Me.List0.Requery But works for listbox only Replace List0 with your listbox name Replace tblEmployees with your...
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