Recent content by smilman

  1. S

    Filter Alpha items in UPC's

    Non UPC: IIf([IMMFNO] Like "*[A-Z]*","Non UPC","") worked perfectly - thank-you.
  2. S

    Filter Alpha items in UPC's

    Dear Query Experts, I want to highlight UPC's containing alpha characters in a UPC list. I can do this by the statement Non UPC: IIf(InStr(1,[IMMFNO],"A")>0,"Non UPC",""). This statement will bring up all UPC's that contain the letter A. How can I select UPC's that contain any letter "A thru...
  3. S

    Searching for

    Thank-you both for your update. Both worked for my issue - returning the exact same number of records. InStr(1,[Description],"*")>"0" Like "**"
  4. S

    Searching for

    Our company is using an asterisk - * in the description to note an item's status. In a query, I want to select any item that has and asterisk in the description. The use of the same wild card in MS Access has presented some difficulty. I have been looking and trying solutions manually, but...
  5. S


    Hi, I am an experienced Access user - since 1990. Good with query and macro's, but not progressed to more advanced query strings. Scott
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