Recent content by soundsfishy

  1. soundsfishy

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    this may be of some use to you
  2. soundsfishy

    setting a button on a subrm if is new record

    I have a form that opens in 2 mode, add and edit. How do I use invisible.false on a cmdbutton that is located on the subform when the form is opened in add data mode. currently when users click the addnewclient button on another form the client form is blank for data entry. If the Edit client...
  3. soundsfishy

    Opening a form via combobox in a subfrm

    I have a Products form that has a subformwhich list manufactures etc. In the subform theres a combobox where users can change the manufacture The list is has its control source as ManufacturerID. I want to be able to select a manufacturer the subform to bring up the matching id in the...
  4. soundsfishy

    Trim the last four characters in a string

    Yeah I know!..hehe tried it in the update query and it worked nicely..! thanks for help
  5. soundsfishy

    Trim the last four characters in a string

    Thanks I thought that was the way to go..I just needed a little prodding to get the braining functioning Thanks Rich Milo , =Right([MyField], 4) will coming in handy for another DB
  6. soundsfishy

    Trim the last four characters in a string

    Thanks Milo but I need to know how extract the zip codes with the exsiting records and store the those zips in zip field in the same table. am i making sense? would an append query work? Say I have address Zip 17 White Street Fairfield 3014...
  7. soundsfishy

    Trim the last four characters in a string

    someone idot in our dept didnt create separate fields for an address. At the moment they have a one field that stores the whole address e.g 17 White Street Fairfield 3014. What I need to do for the time being is extract the zip codes and store in a zipcode field in the same table. Im kinds...
  8. soundsfishy

    exporting to excel sample DB

    thanks, I'll give that a try.
  9. soundsfishy


    It may also pay to have an understanding of Naming conventions, . Many beginners fall into the trap of incorrectly naming objects and fields. This will help later when you start dabbling in VBA. I too fell into the 2 most common problems by beginners and that was not having an understang why...
  10. soundsfishy

    MsgBox and findrecord

    Hi BodVac, you will find a sample of an input message box in this sample.
  11. soundsfishy

    exporting to excel sample DB

    I found this great little DB that imports data form excel to a DB. What I would like to do is the opposite by using a the record set from a query. Ideally whatI'd love to do is export the records from the query into a specified xls sheet that that dont already exist in the spreed sheet.
  12. soundsfishy

    Required field error message

    Thanks Matey (DGM) Ive been after something like that code for ages I just havent been able to get it right!. I works just nicely I envy your state(QLD), wish I was there right now!.
  13. soundsfishy

    print current record

    Its sounds to me like #OfApplicants isnt bound correctly. Go into the properties if the unbound field in the report and change the control source to the correct one.
  14. soundsfishy

    first time using Tranfer spreadsheet

    Thanks Pat, Your suggestions are great. I'll start searching now on automation. :-)
  15. soundsfishy

    first time using Tranfer spreadsheet

    Ok . I did a search on Trasnfer Spreadsheet and found the following that probably best suit what im trying to do ( i think). DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acExport, acSpreadsheetTypeExcel9, "tblClients", CurrentProject.Path & "\MySpreadSheet.xls" Now! what Im trying to do is export a record whilst...
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