Recent content by Taruz

  1. T

    filter main form by value in subform

    Hi again Ken.. ;) Dim stDocName As String Dim strSQL As String Dim trz as string trz= InputBox("country??") stDocName = "company_find_bareboat_operators_spain" strSQL = "SELECT * FROM company INNER JOIN areas ON company.[record#] = areas.[areas#] " _ & "WHERE '" & trz & "'"...
  2. T

    filter main form by value in subform

    Hi.. ;) Try this..: SELECT * FROM company INNER JOIN areas ON company.[record#] = areas.[areas#] WHERE 'Spain'
  3. T


    Hi yammers4 ;) Compare these two players to the query..: select MatchDate ,Team ,PlayerFirstName ,PlayerLastName ,OurScore ,OppositionScore from test where PlayerFirstName=[Enter 1 Player Name] or PlayerFirstName=[Enter 2 Player Name] order by PlayerLastName
  4. T

    Form Tabs

    Hi again.. ;) See the image ..:
  5. T

    Form Tabs

    Hi.. ;) Put onopen part of the form..: Sendkeys "{pgup}" .
  6. T

    Making sure form fields are filled in or error

    Hi.. ;) Try this..: Dim ctrl As Control For Each ctrl In Me.Controls If ctrl.ControlType = acTextBox and <> "SFSID" Then If IsNull(ctrl) Then MsgBox ctrl.Name & " Cannot Be Left Empty!" Cancel = True ctrl.SetFocus Exit Sub End If End If Next MsgBox "Record...
  7. T

    Whst is wrong with this DLookUP function???

    Hi Calucho.. ;) this way try..: =DLookUp("[VL100]","Value_t", "[E-Date] = #04/06/2012# ") or this way try..: =DLookUp("[VL100]","Value_t", "cdbl([E-Date]) = cdbl(#04/06/2012#)") ...
  8. T

    Question Sort by Month and Day

    you're welcome ;) if one boxes or both are empty, empty the box ignores.. greetings.. :)
  9. T

    Question Sort by Month and Day

    Hi.. ;) Try this..: SELECT StationName, HighMax, HighMaxDate FROM tblRecords WHERE Month(HighMaxDate)=[forms]![frmqry]![txtMonthNum] and day(HighMaxDate)=[forms]![frmqry]![cboDay] or more advanced..: SELECT StationName, HighMax, HighMaxDate FROM tblRecords WHERE...
  10. T

    Deleting field leads to error 3273

    Hi.. ;) Delete field in this way.. put below in code ..: Currentdb.tabledefs("tblAppraisal").Fields.Delete "BU" .
  11. T

    Overlapping and NonOverlapping dates..

    Hi..: for OverlappingDates..: select surName , commDate , ceaseDate , ID from tablename where ID<>(select last(ID) from tablename) and ID<>(select first(ID) from tablename) this for nonOverlappigDates: select surName , commDate , ceaseDate , ID from tablename where ID =(select...
  12. T

    How to filter Autonumber

    Hi..: Use the joker for the domain..: DCount("*", "querySear.....
  13. T

    user Role

    Hi.. ;) try this way..: userRole = DLookup("[Role]", "LoginTable", _ "username ='" & usernamecombo & "' ")
  14. T

    listbox filtering value not passing on to next form

    Hi.. ;) Change the relevant part of this ...: DoCmd.OpenForm "Detallesfrm", acNormal, , stLinkCriteria ..
  15. T

    Hide-Unhide Multiple Columns on DataSheet

    Simple but effective.. ;) Particularly useful when cancel shortcut menu.. and the multi-column forms..
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