Recent content by TraceSL

  1. TraceSL

    Mask SSN data in query output

    The TIN format varies but typically either xx-xxxxxx or xxx-xx-xxxx however the source system does not validate the data entered into this field therefore the query would need to look at the field and replace numbers with an X and leave dashes where the exist to retain the format. Hope this helps!
  2. TraceSL

    Mask SSN data in query output

    Hello: Thanks for all the feedback, sorry for the delay this deadline looming with a variety of regulatory reporting changes related to COVID. The TIN (taxpayer identification number aka social security number or employer identification number) is in the table because it's used for other...
  3. TraceSL

    Mask SSN data in query output

    Thanks everyone for the great suggestions. The masking is in accordance to the US IRS rules. At this time I am just opening the table with the print data and using simple find and replace, replacing all numbers with an X while retaining the format of the TaxIDs, which varies dependent on the...
  4. TraceSL

    Mask SSN data in query output

    Hello: Looking for a function to use in a query to mask the tax ID numbers and print on tax forms. Any suggestions? Appreciate the help! Tracy
  5. TraceSL

    SQL data connections ODBC linked tables vs OLE DB

    Is anyone familiar with using Windows active directory for the SQL connections, this is what we are interested in utilizing. Tracy
  6. TraceSL

    SQL data connections ODBC linked tables vs OLE DB

    DBguy: This is exactly what I need to address this issue, I was aware of the other security issue with the ODBC settings/registry entries on computers as well but yesterday when I looked it appears Microsoft may of fixed this registry problem. I am going to review this information now. Thanks...
  7. TraceSL

    SQL data connections ODBC linked tables vs OLE DB

    Hello: We use Access as a report writer for one of our enterprise systems. The enterprise software vendor delivers their reporter software in Access in MDB format with ODBC linked tables. We began to use the save passwords option when linking the SQL tables via ODBC to bypass the need for the...
  8. TraceSL


  9. TraceSL

    download examples for learning

    Thanks MickJav now that I am fulltime IT, I need to grow my access skills into more complex solutions this will help a lot!
  10. TraceSL

    download examples for learning

    Thanks I found them not sure where I was in the forum yesterday when I received the error but able to locate now. Happy Friday
  11. TraceSL

    download examples for learning

    Hello: I was on the download section of the forum looking for examples to study and learn but it appears this option is not working. Can anyone suggest a resource to find some good advanced access database examples to review for learning? Thanks for the help. Tracy
  12. TraceSL

    Solved Subreport Not showing up in Print Preview

    Good luck sounds like you may have a resolution to this issue.
  13. TraceSL

    Solved Subreport Not showing up in Print Preview

    The master child link is a field that's always has a value like year or company code and is consistent. Check the default view on the sub reports, open the sub report in design view and verify the default view, I noticed some of mine are set to report preview and others to print preview...
  14. TraceSL

    Solved Subreport Not showing up in Print Preview

    I built complex reports which contain many sub reports to bypass the issue I linked them on a core data value that's common between both they work in print and report views.
  15. TraceSL

    Error - Unrecognised database

    I was having issue we disabled the leasing as recommended than applied recent Windows updates it was resolved :)
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