Recent content by TVReplay99

  1. T

    Export read only error

    I am trying to automate my Table export process and have been getting the error message: "Cannot Update. Database or Object is Read-Only.' None of the the Tables are read only, I'm not sure they even could be. Here is the code I am Using: Private Sub btnExportTest_Click()...
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    Design Question

    Wayne Thanks, I will try the additional table for the extra transactions. I have had a couple thoughts on the Transactions form. Do you think it wuold be wise to put the Extra Trans form on a tabed form with the current Details form? or have a popup if the StockNo meets Criteria...
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    Design Question

    Wayne, Thanks for your quick response. For example: If we order Widget1 and Recieve Sprocket1 we don't want to enter a new StockNO for that item but still want to sell it. User enters MISC and the Description of the item. The descriptin needs to be saved for tracking and reporting reasons...
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    Design Question

    I am creating a Transaction database. The tblStock contains all stock items with StockNo as the primary key field. In the Transactions form the user enters the StockNo and the Description and price field are populated but locked. This, no problem. My boss now wants to have a 'catch all'...
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    SetFocus not working

    I can't seem to be able to get the setfocus comand to work. I have it in several differnt codes and on different forms and non work. Is is somethingto do with properties? I have tried every combination of enabled and disabled but can't get it. It is not a huge deal but it is very...
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    Populate a field

    How would I do that/ I tried using Form events like On Load and Before Insert. Those didn't work for me. I am wondering if it has anything to do with Data Entry set to Yes. Any thoughts. Brian
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    Populate a field

    How do I do that with a bound field? The control source is from the query the form is based on. Brian
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    Populate a field

    Is ther a way to polulate a field on a form from date from a previous form. I want to transfer what is selected in a combo box to the new form for date entry. Brian
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    Update New Price From Order

    Neileg and Ken, Thanks for the input. Neileg, interesting delima accounting wise. What I imagine is the Cost update to happen when I recieve the item. So I guess what I need is an event On Update of the Recieved field in my Order Details to check if the Cost in tblOrderDetails =Cost in...
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    Update New Price From Order

    Len, I assume I would do that with a update query using current record StockNO as Criteria and then what? I don't have any experience with update queries much less using form date to do it. Any advice wuold be heplful. Off to trial and alot of error. Brian
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    Update New Price From Order

    Udate new Price from Order I am creating a fairly simple order and receiving DB. Before I begin creatind the order forms, I need to get my mind around one area. How do I update the Cost & SellPrice Field in my Stock Table from the order form when there is a change? Ex: Hammer current Cost...
  12. T

    Using Info from Combo.Column.3

    Rich' Thanks for all of your help. I found anouther way to get it to work. I put that field in my Record Source Query for the subForm. I actually didn't know if it would work or not but in all of my trial and error it did. I still can't figure out why it worked for one control and not the...
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    Using Info from Combo.Column.3

    I still get nothing. I even created a new text box, and nothing. I can't figure out why it works on one control and notr the other. Is it limited to one. Should i set the code to OnEnter of the Quantity text box (If I use the If . . .Then statement) but I don't think that would work either...
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    Using Info from Combo.Column.3

    Yes Brian
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    Using Info from Combo.Column.3

    I tired creating an unbound field BOCode, Unbound because I don't need it in my tblTransDetails, it is stored in my tblStock. Creating that field was unsuccessful. It was left blank. my code for that was: Me.BOCode = Me.StockNo.Column(3) Thansk for the Reply any further suggestions are most...
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