Recent content by VictoriaHood

  1. V

    Davg in report group footer

    I have the group set with header/footer. It is grouped on [salesperson]. I need to average only tickets that are overdue, i.e., those that show as 0 or greater days. I tried to use Avg(IIf([dayspastdue]>=0,1,0)) but it keeps returning "1" for every salesperson. [dayspastdue] is a calculated...
  2. V

    Davg in report group footer

    I am trying to get an average as follows: =Davg("dayspastdue","div30qry","dayspastdue >=0") This works in giving me the overall average (of overdue tickets) for the entire report. I need to get the same average per group [salesperson] and it doesn't seem to adjust for the group. I'm sure I...
  3. V

    Comfortable with Access

    Glad to find a forum with such knowledge! While not new to Access, I am woefully deficient in VBA skills. I've created a number of small scale databases but am now pushing my boundries in what I can accomplish with simple macros . . .
  4. V

    Need OutputTo in a macro to use a report field for file name?

    I need to create pdf files for individual records from a table. I would like to use the record # as the file name so that users cannot make mistakes. Is this possible using OutputTo in a macro or must I delve into VBA? Modules? I am quite comfortable with Access but not very fluent in VBA. Any...
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