Recent content by Wolf

  1. W

    Delete Records found on another table via Delete Query

    This worked great. Thank you I ended up changing it to this; DELETE SBSales.*, SBSales.SaleDate, * FROM SBSales WHERE (((SBSales.SaleDate) In (Select [Date] From SBSLSPR30)));
  2. W

    Delete Records found on another table via Delete Query

    Hi, Trying to delete records on table SBSales where the date on the record match a date found on a record on table SBSLSPR30. For example delete records when SBSales.SaleDate is found on SBSLSPR30.[Date]. Whats the simplest way to accomplish this.
  3. W

    Sum orders by day groups 7/30/60/90

    Worked like a charm. Thanks again
  4. W

    Sum orders by day groups 7/30/60/90

    I tried that, there an issue with the . before the IIF. Also where do I put in the UnitsSold to sum?
  5. W

    Sum orders by day groups 7/30/60/90

    LOL LOL. it dosnt work. I ended up adding another column 31to60: [1to60]-[1to30] I'm sure there's a simpler way, but at least it works
  6. W

    Sum orders by day groups 7/30/60/90

    Oh I noticed now that it will only give 1 to 60 and I cannot get 30 to 60. 31to60: Sum(IIf(DateDiff("d",[SaleDate],Date()-30)<=30,[UnitsSold],0)) is resulting in 30 days before and after 30 days ago. hense returning 60 days. DateDiff goes both ways. Can I use...
  7. W

    Sum orders by day groups 7/30/60/90

    Thanks again. I got it now using 1to7: Sum(IIf(DateDiff("d",[SaleDate],Date())<=7,[UnitsSold],0)) Code is; Sum(IIf(DateDiff("d",[SaleDate],Date())<=7,[UnitsSold],0)) AS 1to7, Sum(IIf(DateDiff("d",[SaleDate],Date())<=14,[UnitsSold],0)) AS 1to14...
  8. W

    Sum orders by day groups 7/30/60/90

    Hi this is giving me an error. Table field to sum is UnitsSold Table field of dates to use SalesDate Would like to sum UnitsSold for orders that occurred between Date() and SalesDate if its <=30 and so on. Do I need to use "between"?
  9. W

    Sum orders by day groups 7/30/60/90

    Thank you it looks like it should work but its not working for me, it takes forever to run.
  10. W

    Sum orders by day groups 7/30/60/90

    Hi, thank you so much this worked like a charm. But, I would also like to set it up where an item sold yesterday would only show in the first 2 columns, Grouped like this; 1-7 1-30 31-60 61-90. Do I rather need to use the datediff?
  11. W

    Sum orders by day groups 7/30/60/90

    Hi, I am trying to create a query that will give me the total sales of each item col 1 based on 7 days, col 2 30 days, col 3 60 days etc. My simple table has fields, "Item" "SaleDate" "Qty". I did it with the crosstab query worked great using Date: Partition(Now()-[SaleDate],1,90,30) but i am...
  12. W

    Export Report to Excel

    Ok I figured it out, What I did was copied and pasted the entire filter under the export button cmd. and then by the end DoCmd.OpenReport "QryMn", acViewReport, , strWhere DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputReport, "QryMn", "Excel97-Excel2003Workbook(*.xls)", "", True, "", , acExportQualityScreen
  13. W

    Export Report to Excel

    You would be right if my filters are built on the query, but right now I have no filters on my query, The filters kick in when I open the report, and I want the same filters on my excel export.
  14. W

    Export Report to Excel

    Hi, I would like to export a filtered report to excel. The report is based on query that has lots of fields, but I use the strwhere to open the report with specific records only. When I try to use the DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputReport, "QryTrn", "Excel97-Excel2003Workbook(*.xls)", "", True, "", ...
  15. W

    Running Count Of order by customer!

    I have already read this article, the problem with these methods is that it won't let you restart the count for each employee. I need the running count to restart for every customer. Or for the example used in that article for each employee.
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