Recent content by ZacWolf

  1. Z

    Programmatically move a control on a view

    Well I spent six hours going down a rabbit hole to figure out a work around. I thought maybe I could use their "web box" display item to load some Javascript to manipulate the page, but that lead to issues with crossdomain blocks, so in trying to figure out how to host an html file on the...
  2. Z

    Programmatically move a control on a view

    Yeah, I've been able to work around a great deal of the frustration, but after six years one would think that the feature-set for webapps would have grown more than it has.
  3. Z

    Programmatically move a control on a view

    SetPropery in webapp macros expose only the following in the attached screen grab.
  4. Z

    Programmatically move a control on a view

    Yeah, I think that's the issue, as I can find no such properties exposed via the web based macro system. :(
  5. Z

    Programmatically move a control on a view

    Is it possible via macro to move the position (or resize) a control (textbox, label, etc) dynamically/programmatically?
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