John Big Booty
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  • Johny boy,
    Can you tell me how to get the name of an image inside a webbrowser control, not the name of the control but the name of the thumbnail image highligted by the focus prior to giving the image the "double ticky ticky"
    and pulling up the whole image in a big viewer?????
    I am scrolling thru images on my hard drive (not the internet) to select the correct one and then I intend to slam it into a table field. I need the child name with the focus not the parrent control name.
    The Microsoft Delvelopers site is too advanced for me and what I want is pretty simple.
    Your help would be greatly appreciated.
    Hello John,

    Can you please help me with my acces problem, I am willing to pay for helping me.
    riekmaharg2 please read the the two stickies at the the top of the section of the forum.

    I (and others) will be more that happy to answer any question posted in the General section of the forum, be sure to link back to the thread that contains the sample you are interested in.
    Hi John sorry to bother you is it possible, if I send you my db file you have a look and advise me what changes required to achive the required result.
    Hey John,

    Thanks for your message. I still am nowhere since the "moderated version" isn't something that we'd use, and I simply don't understand the other coding at all. I don't know the first thing about writing VBA coding so I'm as lost as can be and I don't have time to take a 9 month course on learning this stuff. I'm so frustrated!
    Thank you so much John. I really appreciated your help. I have another question, please bear with me because I am really new with access.
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