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  1. D

    Database Design for Tracking Component

    Hi All, I want to design a database to track the component First, the OEM data will be import into tbl_Part, this contain component Original serial number(Example : 40000001). After 3 years, if I want to rebuild this part, I will given a new serial number for it(from 40000001 changed to...
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    Meeting Room Booking System TimeSlot

    Hi All, Im developing a Meeting Room Booking System using Access Database , My question is , how can I create a TimeSlot form with Monday-Friday & All meeting room ? Please refer to attached picture for example. Let say If I want to book ACE room @ 8.00AM , So I will click on first box...
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    Prompt a windows alert to all User who using the same Database file

    Hi all , Im seeking for a solution to prompt all user with windows alert for Notification Case 1: One staff applied leave and clicked "Submit" , after clicked I want the system will prompt his/her Supervisor for his/her leave approval or like a notification that the Supervisor need to go...
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    One button to close all "Opening Access Database" on server

    Hi all , Everytime i want to make some changes to my "Testing" Database , always got somebody using it / opening it... So ~ I am trying to create a button , the function of the button is close "Testing" access database who using it or opening it , Example : 5 users included me in a company ...
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    Clear the "Tick Box" value when open the form

    Hi all , Im doing an attendance in Access database , i have a Staff table and AttendanceMain table for keep all the staff attendance ... I also created a query to append the data into AttendanceMain table ... the problem is , I always reuse the staff name , so i created a Staff form , but...
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    Query expression (greater then average) Help !

    Hi all , I facing a query expression problem , 2 table = accountant & works table, accountant -accountant_name table, works -branch_name -annual_pay from this 2 tables , I want to query out those people's annual_pay is more then the average of the total of all accountant's pay what...
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    Show any type of image in IMAGE frame

    Hi all , I want to load and show an image in a form , i know this only will work when i select the image file path using vba application.filedialog ... but i don't know how to write this code , anyone can help me write this code please ? Example : I have form1 and report 1 ... inside the...
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    How to display picture in Object Frame

    Hi all , i want to know how to display picture in object frame in a form ? i would like to select the data from a table ... please give me a simple solution to work it out. ..
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    Set user's status to "Active" when he logged in

    hi all , im looking a solution that can track who logged into my access database ... i have an ideal about this but don't know which way to do it .... how to set user's status to "Active" when he logged in through Login page ? when he close the access database ... i want the user's status set...
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    Query Result

    Hi All , I have a Login form , i set a query retrieve information from Login form's Text3 (username) after that , if the user Successfully logged in then the Login form will close . i set the query because i need to retrieve what is His/Her Department . But , after i closed the Login Form ...
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    [Advanced] Auto Printing System Access 2010

    Hi All , I would like to develop an Access Database for my office ... I'm using MS Access 2010 . Work Flow : First , I will key in all the details into a form ... after i filled up all the textbox , i will click SUBMIT ... the submit button will help me save record into table and generate a...
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    Is it possible to do this in access 2010?

    Hi All , I going to develop an access database for my company . i will implement Attendance Marking Sheet into access database , My attendance have 3 people's signature , 2 supervisor and 1 manager , what I want is , when the first supervisor click "Approve" , then the supervisor's...
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    Is it possible to do this in access 2010 ?

    Hi all , I want do a report something like Attached . I want load data by department like Mat 1 /FIN /IQA, Differents department got differents score from 1 table . Please give me the solution .or you can help me create a form and attached to me thanks a million :)
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    Query did not come out

    Hi all, i set my query criteria to my [Forms]![Form1]![Combo4]. after I key a criteria into combo4 , then i open again the query table , it did not show up any result , why ? ps : No combo4 dont have any event .
  15. D

    Please help me check my vba code anything wrong

    I cannot debug this , it always prompt me Block if without end if Private Sub OKButton_Click() If NameTextBox.Value = Null Then MsgBox "Please Tell Us What Is The Purpose.", vbInformation, "Cannot Be Empty" If PhoneTextBox.Value = Null Then MsgBox "Please Tell Us What Is The...
  16. D

    Record Printed History

    Hi all, I have many report want to print , any solution can make me record down all the printed history and by whom ? please suggest.
  17. D

    Searching with Part Number

    Hi all , I want create a from with a "Part Number" text box . After I enter a Part Number into the text box , other text box at below will automatic come out the detail about the Part Number I typed in . Extra : my part number is something like this : 00-00000-00 , how to convert to...
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    Login System

    Hi All , I want create a login system using a TEXT BOX only, some thing like this : there is only have 1 text box named USER . after type in "ADMIN" , i want automatic login without clicking any button or press enter to login . the words "ADMIN" must lookup from my tbluser , if the USER...
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    Help me on "After Update" Event thanks !

    Hi , I want to create a form to search my parts. example I typed in a part number 123 , the other text box also will come out the detail about the part 123 . who can give me a full solution ?
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    Urgent ! Help !!!!!!!

    Hi all professional , i am planning to make an access database in web , but I want the access database work like this but dunno can or not : 1)Example Production need 500 pcs parts, then they scan the barcode , then the system will transfer the data of the barcode into my access database...
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