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  1. G

    Update Query End Of Statement Error

    Hi All, I'm trying to write an UPDATE line in VBA, but whenever I put the table name I get an "Expected End of Statement" error. This is line currently; strSQL = UPDATE "MASTER PLANNER" SET [SET 2] = TRUE WHERE "[ID] = " & Me.PlannerIDIt doesn't matter whether I change the table name to...
  2. G

    DLookup Doesn't Return Correct Value

    Hi All, I'm trying to use a DLookup to get a specific value from a field in a table. This is what my code currently looks like; JOBID = DLookup("[ID]", "MASTER PLANNER", "[JOB NUMBER] = '" & JOB_NUMBER & "'") Basically I want to get the ID (a number) from a specific record where the JOB...
  3. G

    XML Attributes

    Hi All, I've managed to get my table exports near enough how they should be looking, I've got the nested nodes perfectly aligned to my sample. The only part missing is the attributes in the nodes of the XML. Here is my sample; <tg:order tg:replace="true" tg:site_code="SC"...
  4. G

    XML and XSD Imports

    Hi, I've been given a sample XML file and an XSD Schema file, and I'm to build a database based around these files. I'm trying to import the XML, and the tables are created fine. I then create a query to include all of the fields into one XML export. I then export the query, and it comes out...
  5. G

    Update Record Based on Related

    Hi All, I have 2 tables, one is like a main table, containing all of the main data, such as a Job Number, Customer, Quantity, etc. I have a second, related, table that acts a breakdown of information. There may be several related records to one main record, it entirely depends on the nature of...
  6. G

    Parent Child Query Help

    Hi All, I'm trying to create a capacity report for my database. Originally, I only had the one table, which summed the number of Packs and number of Images, worked out percentage capacity used and then put it in a report, showing for each week of the year. However since then, I've added a...
  7. G

    Report Conditional Hide Section

    Hi All, I have master and child fields in my query, and in my report I have blank controls where there is no child record to the master. I'm trying to set the section (Group Header and Detail) to be invisible when there's no value in a control. However, as soon as I introduce an If statement...
  8. G

    IIF Criteria Help Needed

    Hi All, In my query, I have the following criteria; IIf([MAIL DATE]<Date() And [COMPLETED]=False,[MAIL DATE]<Date(),[MAIL DATE] Between Date() And (Date()+1)) However, this brings up no results. I just want it to look at all the records and find the ones that aren't completed before...
  9. G

    Loop Through Recordset

    Hi All, In my database, I have a continuous form with a Name, a Date and a Yes/No field. When the form opens, I want to look at the date of every record on the form and show a message box if it is before the current day. The code I have is this; Private Sub Form_Load() With...
  10. G

    Hyperlink To File

    Hi All, I'd like to be able to drag and drop a file from an email onto a record on Access. I believe the best way to achieve this would be to create the hyperlink to the temporary file, copy the hyperlink and then use the FileCopy method, however I'm having some trouble creating the...
  11. G

    OpenForm Where Condition

    Hi All, I'm creating a couple of web forms and I want to open another form to show more information about the current record. I have a continuous form with all the currently outstanding work, and when I click on a certain field I want to be able to open the Job Card form to that specific...
  12. G

    DoCmd.RunSQL Update Last Record

    Hi All, I have a button that runs a line of UPDATE SQL, but I want it to update the last record. How would I go about this? I assume it's part of the where condition but I'm not sure how I'd achieve it. The code I have so far is this; DoCmd.RunSQL "UPDATE [MASTER PLANNER] SET [MASTER...
  13. G

    User Credentials

    Hi All, In my database, I have a login form which users enter their credentials into and then can access certain forms based on their department and access level. The problem I have is that the credentials are coded into the front end using VBA on the OnClick event of the buttons to open the...
  14. G

    Ignore Form Event

    Hi all, In my database I have module that checks if tick box is True and then closes all the forms and kicks the user out of the database. However in most of my forms, there is a custom Save command in the On Click of cmdSave button and the Form_BeforeUpdate. The save requires certain things...
  15. G

    Stacked Column PivotChart

    Hi All, I need a little help with my pivotcharts. In my query I have a couple of calculations that works out the percentage capacity used and the percentage capacity left for 2 different things, ordered by week number. In my pivotchart, I wanted a stacked column to show how much percentage...
  16. G

    If String Contains?

    Hi All, In my query, I have the week number and year arranged like this - "Y14-W11" I want to return a value in a text box on a report if the string contains, for example, W11. In this textbox I've put the expression =IIf([Y##-W##]="*" & "W11" & "*","2100000","BLAH") But this just...
  17. G

    Go To Record If Duplicate

    Hi All, On my form I've got an afterupdate event that checks if the information entered already exists and this works absolutely fine. However what I would like is the option to go to the existing record if one is found, but I can't get it to work. This is my code currently; Private Sub...
  18. G

    More ConcatRelated Problems

    Hi All, Thanks to pr2eugin I managed to get my concatrelated query working how I wanted it. However now I've tried using the same principle in a different query and it's not working in the same way. Currently my table relationships are like this; My query looks like this; The...
  19. G

    Concatenate Related Records

    Hi All, In my query, I have several results that relate to the same PK overall, and I'd like to concatenate these records into one expression/one field in a form. Currently my query looks like this; As you can see, the BandPK/BandFK are repeated where the GenreFK/GenrePK are different...
  20. G

    Web Hosting

    Hi All, To make life easier on some of our employees who don't have access on their pc's, we want to create a web-based front end for those users (and also users on tablets, but that's another story). Firstly, is it possible to have a web-based front end linked to a server on our LAN? (i.e...
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