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    Need to fix VBA code for Previous Page command button

    Hello everyone, I have a subform which includes a Tab Control with 8 pages. I want to hide the pages tabs to force users navigating from a page to another and giving required data/info. So I created 2 Command Buttons (Next Page) and (Previous Page). The Next Page code is: Private Sub...
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    Query Parameters in Access 2010 Web Database

    Hello everyone. I am building an Access 2010 Web database for the first time and I found a lot of differences with the Access desktop database. I have a specific question about query parameters and how to pass them from a Form combo box. In this web db, I have (tblClients) table, (qryClients)...
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    IF statement to test Null values in 2 different forms

    Hello everyone. I have a main form with many subforms. Each subform has couple of ComboBoxes or/and TextBoxes. I want to make sure that end users dont miss completing any of required values. For example, in the subform (Clients), an end user is supposed to put either "Male" or "Female" in the...
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    How to Protect Old Records in a Form but can Edit New Records

    Hello everyone.. I have a form which needs update ever month. When the form is pened, the end user can see the old records and data, and also a new recored is added for any new data. I want to protect the old saved data and the user can only add, edit, or delete the new data in the newly added...
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    Form Validation Rule with multiple conditions

    Hello everyone, I have a main form which has couple of subforms bound to one main table. One of the subfomrs is about employment info. It has 3 TextBoxes: (Job Start Date), (Employer Name), and (Wage). It has also 3 ComboBoxes: (Job Type [Full Time or Part Time]), (Hire Status [Permanent or...
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