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  1. M

    Text Field Entry

    Why is it that whenever I link a blank text field from my contacts database that it shows the first contact in my table? and how can i change that?
  2. M

    Save Forum

    I am trying to save specific data from a data entry form to a specific depending on what the user selects from a dropdown/combo box. So if the user selects "test company from the combo box, that data (from that form) will save to the Test company data table. I am guy guessing this can be done...
  3. M

    Cascading combo box

    Okay I am really struggling with getting a cascading combo box to work. Ive attached a Visio doc to help illustrate what I want to do. Basically My combo box has choices that come from my table (named Asset Types). When I select desktop, for example, I want to data from my desktop form...
  4. M

    Cascading Combo

    Can someone assist me? Lets say I have different asset types. In my table I have asset types: Windows Desktop, Windows Server, AP,Router, Swtich, Email, ect. I want to create a casing combo box so if the user selects AP then the form will display certain info such as Manufactor, Model, IP...
  5. M

    Help with making macro !

    In my data I have a form called assets. These assets are customer's inventory of computers, router, access points, and servers. I want to keep track of any important information (i.e. user names passwords, and IP's). In my forum I have a hand full of "asset" types. What I want to do is...
  6. M

    Saving form data help!!

    Okay let's say I am making a custom customer form to document there networking equipment and hardware. What I want to do is is have a dropdown (which I have) with my customers listed. When I save that data entry it goes specifically into that customers database of hardware/equipment. I also...
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