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    Lebans Calendar

    Hi All, Just a quick question, I want to use the Lebans Calendar on my database ( however it appears it is not compatible with 64 bit Systems, does anyone know how to change this / get around this? All i want to do is display a calendar on the database to the...
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    Hiding The Nav Pane - Quick Question

    Hi, Hopefully this is a quick easy question for you that someone might know the answer to. I am using Access 2013 and have disabled the nav pane in the 'File' 'options' 'Current Database' 'Display Navigation Pane' option and all is working well, however, i have a report that runs on the database...
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    How to copy a record from table A to table B?

    Hi All, Just a quick question. I have a form to edit records on table A and i would like to be able to put a button on the form to copy that record from table A to table B but i am a bit stumped. Any help would be great. The code i have on the button so far is as follows: <UserInterfaceMacro...
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    Clear Form Data Without Saving

    Hi All, I have a form within a Navigation form where users can enter new records the switch to a new tab to view all records etc. However, If the form is only partially filled in and the user changes tab it saves what's in the form to the table it is all built on, leaving me with lots of...
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    Populating a Form with Record Data

    Hi All, I've tried several ways to do it but none have worked so i am starting from scratch again. I have a Form in a datasheet view and i would like to be able to double click on a record (ideally any part of the record but if not, on the name at least) and have it open up a form to that...
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