Search results

  1. T

    How to Display Total Amount of Records past a certain Time

    Hello, I have a query running data that pulls all the Dates and Time for a particular day. The Field is called Completion Time and it is a Date/Time column. I want to on a Form display in a textbox the amount of records that are past 2:30 pm. What do i need to put in the textbox field in order...
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    Simple query to remove Information from Column

    Hello everybody. I have a query that has pulled information from a mseter table. On the query in one columns i have information that is scattered and mixed together. Does anybody know a query i can run against a column with the column header as "Appends" that will remove everything that doesn't...
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    Make a button invisible based on Data submitted

    Hello, I'm starting completely from scratch and need help with this design. I'm trying to create a checklist of items to do everyday. Criteria: Textbox next to a button that represents the task. when the user clicks the button the information from the textbox gets submitted to a table and the...
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    Calculated Field To see if a Minimum is met

    Hello, Is there a way to do the following. I have a field in a table that I'm trying to make calculated. What that field will look for is information based on the date of two other columns in the table. Start Date End Date Based on the information that is in that column for a particular field...
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    Take A Month(Number form) From a Form Textbox and subtract

    Hello, I have a textbox on a form that I have the user input the Month in number format. But I can't figure out the format in the query criteria in order for the query to take that month and subtract one month or two. So if its January(1) Then it would query for results to Decemeber(12). Its...
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    Bound Query Form Need to pull Additional Information

    Hello Everybody, I have a form that is bound to a single query. This one query has 98% of the information I need. I have textfields on the form that are pulling the sum totals of information for each particular item. The problem is I have one textfield I need to pull the information from...
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    Deleting Multiple Lines of Info and Summing the Total

    Hello, I have the following information. Id,Price,Date. I'm running the query by a search criteria for date. So if i run it for February its pulling up all days of February that information is entered. Here is where the problem occurs. I have multiple id's but i only want to count the price of...
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    Macro to match Information from one table to Another and Delete

    Hello quick question, Does anybody know how to program a macro that will look in one table in a column called "Billed Price" for all 0.00 results. If it comes up with a match it will look in a column Called Account ID in the current row on the same table to see if it matches any rows in Another...
  9. T

    Find Variations of a string

    Hello Everybody, Is there a way to find the different variations when looking at a column and come back with a display showing all those variations. Example: I have a column on my query that shows variations of the following 4 items. Soda, OJ, Juice, No Drink Soda2, OJ5 No Drink4, Soda3...
  10. T

    Display Results on Form

    Hello, I'm new to the access world and I'm working on a task right now. I figured out most of of where I have the form calling the query based on user input into four search fields. The part I'm having trouble on is the following: I have four Textbox fields on the forum after the search lets...
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