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  1. C

    Subform by date; datetime issue

    Good afternoon everyone, So I'm having an issue with a subform populating records. I want it to populate all the orders for whichever date is selected on the main form. However, it doesn't pull up all of the records. I've been able to deduce that it's the format of the date. I have the date...
  2. C

    Combobox working on 1 form not on another

    So I'm a bit baffled and hoping that I can get some help. Issue is that I'm able to get cascading comboboxes to work in 1 form but not on another, despite using the same vb. After selecting a Factor (name), only the Lot Numbers associated with that Factor name should show up. I've attached...
  3. C

    Why 2501? Why

    So I've searched and tried different codes to prevent this error from popping up. I was able to get the pop-up msg to display, but then I keep getting 2501. Basically: I have a report that I call upon via a form that is used by a query to populate the report. On the report NoData Event...
  4. C

    Deploying my new db

    So (I think) I finally finished a db I was working on during my internship. First, thank you to this site (and it's "sister-site") as well as those who have directly answered my noob questions. Appreciate the help. Secondly, I was wondering how I would go about making it... "user-friendly?"...
  5. C

    Criteria for "Today" when Date/Time

    So I'm trying to create a query to show me today's transactions. I thought it would be as easy as =Date() Alas, I'm here... So I'm thinking it's because I have date and time in the field. And it's captured by Now() in some forms. How can I go about getting today's records. Thanks in advance.
  6. C

    Incorrect cascading combobox VB, help plz

    So I've been trying to get a "simple" cascading combo box to work but I can't seem to get it correct. The first combobox lists the fields correctly, but the second combobox comes up blank. There is information in each field within the table (tblFactors). Basically, I want to be able to pick...
  7. C

    Unsure about proper relationship structure

    Good afternoon everyone, I was hoping that I could get some feedback on my relationship structure. I am unsure which one would make the most sense regarding the products. Thanks in advance.
  8. C

    Form and Subform structure help

    Hey all, So I'm having some trouble figuring out how to set up my form/subform. Heck, I'm not even 100% sure that it's what I need. tblExipients - ExipientID (PK), ExipientLotNumber, ExipientAmount - Each ExipientLotNumber has a different ExipientAmount tblSolution - SolutionID (PK)...
  9. C

    Command Button Set Value after opening form

    Hey all, I was wondering if this is possible or if there is probably an easier way to do this. I have a form with 2 command buttons, depending on which button is pressed, it will open a corresponding form: RECEIVE --> frmReceive SALE --> frmSale These both feed to the same table but have...
  10. C

    Is my forms concept correct?

    Hey all. I've attached my table ships and a written out concept of how I plan to make my forms. This isn't my first attempt, I tried before without drawing it out and it didn't work out (Join key of table "x" not in recordset). I was wondering if someone could please let me know if I'm on the...
  11. C

    Table or tables

    Hello everyone, I had a question I was hoping to get some help with. I want to make a db to keep track of items. I was unsure if it would be best to have 1 table with a field which states if an item is received or dispensed, or if I should have 2 separate tables, 1 for received and another for...
  12. C

    Joint Key of Table Not in Recordset

    Hello everyone. First time posting here. I was hoping I could get some assistance. I've put some work into this new database, but it's been a while since I've done much with access. I wanted to try out some of scripts that I'm trying for the first time on a couple of combo boxes in a form. But...
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