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    Re: Set caption to bold in code

    Re: Set caption to bold in code Hi all, I want to set the caption on the button to bold in code but I can't get syntax right. I'm using AC2K. I tried the following Me!cmdwo_shipping_sched.FontWeight = Bold Variable not defined Me!cmdwo_shipping_sched.FontBold Object doesn’t support this...
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    Re: set caption to bold in code

    Re: set caption to bold in code Hi all, I want to set the caption on the button to bold in code but I can't get syntax right. I'm using AC2K. I tried the following Me!cmdwo_shipping_sched.FontWeight = Bold Variable not defined Me!cmdwo_shipping_sched.FontBold Object doesn’t support this...
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    Re: Setfocus in on change event hangs

    Re: Setfocus in on change event hangs Hi everyone, I was wondering if anyone could some insight on my problem. I'm using AC2K and SQL Server 2K. I copied my FE onto the user's machine. The user's machine has similiar storage space & RAM and configuration as mine. There are two text boxes on...
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    Re: on change event hang

    Re: on change event hang Hi everyone, I was wondering if anyone could some insight on my problem. I'm using AC2K and SQL Server 2K. I copied my FE onto the user's machine. The user's machine has similiar storage space & RAM and configuration as mine. There are two text boxes on the form w/...
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    Re: Syntax problem

    Re: Syntax problem Hi all, I have a query updates the table in code it will only works if I have one criteria. str = "UPDATE EquipMaintenance Set NextSchedMaint = #" & next_dt & "# Where [MaintTasksID] = " & rst![MaintTasksID] & "" or str = "UPDATE EquipMaintenance Set NextSchedMaint =...
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    Re: Read only db

    Re: Read only db Hi all, I have a ACC 2K FE and SQL Server 2K BE. I like to create a copy of this database as READ ONLY, FE and BE. That means a user can click on different buttons to open different forms for viewing but no editing, no changes to the tables. I don't believe creating ade...
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    Re: how to truncate a field in vba?

    Re: how to truncate a field in vba? Hi, is there a cast function in vba? I need to truncate a field pass in from a function. Also what if this field has less than say 10 characters what would happen using truncate? Thanks!
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    Re: trouble in sending email

    Re: trouble in sending email Hi all, Why won’t Outlook sent from the code below? It opens to MS Outlook window and after clicking “yes” to send email. Sometimes it hangs. But when trying to open Outlook to check the email, it won’t open Outlook program and in Windows Task Manager you can see...
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    Re: split the string so the email will be formatted

    Re: split the string so the email will be formatted Hi all, I need to split the string so the email will be formatted when received. DoCmd.SendObject acSendNoObject, , , "", , , "Add to Shipping Schedule", strg Strg contains 123456-00 001 abc s123 06/16/2005, 654321-00...
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    Re: clear integer values in text boxes

    Re: clear integer values in text boxes Hi all, I have a problem clearing or displaying empty values in text boxes. These fields are binding to a table and are storing integer data type. I want to clear the values in these text boxes when user clicks on a button but the fields that stores the...
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    Re: Syntax for textalign property

    Re: Syntax for textalign property Hi, I like to know the syntax to set the textalign property to Right for a textbox. by setting the property in Access works when I type but the field(s) is populated thru recordsource it shifted to the left regardless the setting in Access. Seems to me I...
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    Re: lower/upper case in password

    Re: lower/upper case in password Hi all, I have two text boxes where user type in their password. First they type in their password in text box one then they need to type in second text box to verify with the first one. No problem there. But when I try to compare two password fields one has a...
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    Re: populate a calculated field

    Re: populate a calculated field Hi one and all, I’m trying to populate a calculated field, an unbound field,on the form with the query in the Form open event. But tt_qty is not showing. The tt_qty calculated field is use to store the sum of bag_quantity field in tbl of a grouped...
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    Re: Selstart property?

    Re: Selstart property? Hi all, I don't have problem moving to the beginning of the text box with the code I have. But once the line ran the cursor is @ the beginning of the control but you can't write to it(nothing happens when typing into the field). if I remove the .selstart line out it...
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    Re: You can’t go to the specified record.

    Re: You can’t go to the specified record. Hi all, I'm getting this error " You can’t go to the specified record" when I ran DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acNewRec. I haven't found any help w/ error above using acNewRec. Please help! Here is how my form works: when user enters a value in mfg field it...
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    Re: SelSTart property

    Re: SelSTart property Hi all, I want to set focus on the next control(text box) and move pointer to the first position in the text box control. I added the code below and now I can't write to the text box. why? Me!insert_lotnum.SetFocus -->Me!insert_lotnum.SelStart =...
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    Re: sub or function not defined on Open error

    Re: sub or function not defined on Open error Hi all, I received this error when I tried to open the database. I used the shift key and tried to break to the error when opening db. but this error popped up before executing open form event. How do can I locate the error? The expression On...
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    Re: overflow error in opening form

    Re: overflow error in opening form Hi everyone, I'm having trouble in opening a main form w/ a subform. when I try to open the main form it stops at the main form Form_error subroutine w/ 'overflow' error. 'the DataErr is 2585 Private Sub Form_Error(DataErr As Integer, Response As Integer)...
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    Re: How do you convert week # back to date?

    Re: How do you convert week # back to date? Hi all, How do you convert the week # back to a date? I used datepart function to get the week # ex: mfg_dt_num = DatePart("ww", Forms!start_sample!earliest_mfg_dt) and now I need to know how I can convert it back to the date format and display in...
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    Re: Display report w/ input parameters

    Re: Display report w/ input parameters Hi, How can I display a report from database window(w/o form) which had input parameters in its recordsource? In the report_open event I passed in input paramters in the I have global variables which I passed in as input parameters in the report’s...
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