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  1. K

    hide a calculated textbox if = "0"

    I know I have seen this somewhere before but can't seem to find it now. On a report, I have a calculated textbox -- =Sum(IIf([ServiceOrderStatus]="2",1,0)) If the sum = 0 I want to set the visible property to "false" what would be the best way to so this? thanks Kevin
  2. K

    open excel & have access wait for excel to close

    Good afternoon all, If I place some code to export a table to Excel, open excel so a person can do something, then close excel. will my access code wait for excel to close before the code continues running? If not, what would a good way to code this "wait" into the event? Thanks Kevin
  3. K

    dates back 6 months

    Good morning all, I currently have the following expression in a query, to go back 6 months from the current date. Between DateAdd("m",-6,Date()) And Date() Does anyone know of a way from the current date, go back to the end of the previous month ( 30th, or 31st) then go back 6 months? hope...
  4. K

    reporting if no data found

    Good morning all, I have a report with several calculated fields in it. When I run the report for a date range that returns a message box "no data found" the report shows up with "#ERROR" in all the calculated fields. Is there a way to just show 0 in these fields instead of the error message...
  5. K

    graphs in Access

    is it possible to place a graph from Excel in an Access report? instead of using the Access pivot charts? Thanks Kevin
  6. K

    can't type in unbound text field

    happy friday to all! I may just be missing something simple here but not sure what. I have a form with an option group of radio buttons, an unbound label, and an unbound text field. If radio button A is selected, the the label and the text field become visible. no problem with this. when...
  7. K

    user defineable query ?

    Good morning all, I'm sure this will take some little tricks to pull off - if its possible. I have 3 tables that contain build/configuration data for computer systems. 1 is back information, 1 is front information, 1 is peripheral information. all can be joined by one field or another. Is it...
  8. K

    Dcount with multiple criteria

    Not sure if this belonged in reports or queries, so I chose general. I have looked at several DCount threads but haven't quite found my answer. I want to use Dcount in an unbound textbox in a report. It counts the number of records in another table - comparison the first part of the statement...
  9. K

    chart differences in dates

    morning all, I have a query giving me the data i need for a graph, parts being: issuedate, recdate, customer,..... I want the graph to show by month, issued vs received. example: 2 issued in nov 2004, 2 issued in dec 2004, 4 issued in jan 2005 2 received nov 2004, 1 received dec2004, 5...
  10. K

    best way to group combobox choices?

    I have a combobos using a table to look up its values, no problem. The table could have several identical values to place in the combo box ( same city, State multiplt times). I want to group these so that the city, state will only show once in the combobox, hence makiing the list a little...
  11. K

    VBA to evaluate a report field

    Good morning All, First, I want to Thank Ken Hig for helping me on using CASE SELECT for something similar yesterday. I have a report with a field RCSN, This can have several different values in it. Based on these values I want an unbound text field "RCModel" to display certain values: 1 - If...
  12. K

    =IIF or VBA code?

    I've seen several threads on using =IIF in a report field. I am wondering if VBA would be a better way to do the following? report with a field evaluating a 2nd field. In my control source for the 1st field: =IIf([CFSN] Like "EG1*","1 GB",IIf([CFSN] Like "FN1*","2 GB",IIf([CFSN] Like...
  13. K

    clean up a linked table

    Hi all, I have a linked table ( see attached image ). In it are several lines with the same invoice number. 1 line with this invoice number has some info I need to retrieve by serial number ( but this line doesn't contain the S/N). My question I guess is how can I retrieve a SerialNumber along...
  14. K

    subreport within a subreport question

    Good morning all, I have looked at many a subreport thread and haven't come across this issue yet. I have a report linked to a subreport on 1 field, ( child, master). The subreport also has a subreport in it (different child, master). These reports use 3 tables. tables 1 and 2 always have data...
  15. K

    deploy different front ends

    If my DB is a BE/FE, can i take a copy of the FE and remove items ( reports, queries.....) and use the copy on a users system. Then take another copy, remove different items and do the same?? I am only asking this since I only have 5 systems to manage and 2 i would like to have limited access...
  16. K

    if subreport has no data, then show label only

    Hi all, I have a report with an embedded subreport. When the linked field is null in the subreport ( but the info is in the main report) I want the subreport to show only a label that says "no data". So i will see the report with the summary data on the top and " no data" on the bottom. Does...
  17. K

    windows XP Embedded

    does anyone know if access 2003 will run on a windows XP embedded machine? not building an app, just running one. Thanks
  18. K

    input form for a scan gun

    Good morning all, I have a form used for dataentry from a scangun. 4 field A, B, C, D. A = an unbound text field, where I want all the scanning to go on. I have code to check the value of what is scanned and move it to either B, C, or D, based on a prefix. no problem there. Question 1: If...
  19. K

    record error information to a table

    I have seen it before ( and just spent sometime searching) but can't find what i'm looking for. can someone give me a "search" hint to find how to record errors to a table in my DB, so i can view them over time (if they occur)? Trying to figure it myself as I have seen it before. Thanks Kevin
  20. K

    only want to see 1 row for a record.

    I have a linked table ( to a DB from Best SW) that looks like below: RMA# DAte Item SN code Misc 9016877 3/28/2005 TS9000+/433 TSS02351 C001 9016877 3/28/2005 TS9000+/433 TSS02351 RP190 comment1 9016877 3/28/2005 TS9000+/433 TSS02351 I001*...
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