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  1. R

    linking databases

    I want setup some databases and spreadsheets as freeware. i want to link up all of thed databases with reports and queries. and the spreadseets. to some of the databases. If people download say 1 or 2 databases will the whole thing work with links to databases which aren't there? Thanks...
  2. R

    Copy queries into excel.

    i need to setup a load of queries on an access database with corresponding reports (pivots). i want to copy the data into the corresponding spreadsheet to the end of the data when each query button is pressed, so the reports are automatically updated when the query is ran. how can i do this...
  3. R

    Can't get code to work

    I am learning VBA and have some code that i cant get to work. When the code runs on the combo box it doesn't pick up any of the values where it should. The code is definitely correct and i have tried a few things to get it working but nothing changes. In the four textboxes, avg, sum min, max 0...
  4. R

    Code to change form properties

    Hi, I am learning vba and have some code to change to change the allow additions / allow deletions properties on a form, but can't get it to change the properties on the form (which i have set to no for both on the form - hoping to get them to change to yes, so i can then change other...
  5. R

    Setting up Collections

    I am teaching myself Access VBA and have got a problem with setting up a new collection, which I can't resolve in help or google. I have been shown this code for setting up a collection, which is basically to set txtcustomers on form 0 (frmcustomers) as item 5. I didn't get the first line of...
  6. R

    Advanced MID Formula

    I am trying to get a mid formula that can start exctracting at the first space (which I can do) and stop extracting at the last space, which I can't get to work properly. My current formula is: MID([PRODUCT DESCRIPTION],INSTR(TRIM([PRODUCT DESCRIPTION])," ")+1,LEN([PRODUCT...
  7. R

    Can U do this in Access?

    Hi, I am making a database for a project for a new MIS system we are implementing, which details training requirements. We are trying to analyse what programs in the various systems people use and will then train them on the new systems equivalent. Where I am stuck is I have a load of...
  8. R

    Problem Opening Tabbed Form

    Hi, I have setup this database with two tabs on it, but when it opens, it does not open properly, as per the attached screenshots. I have tried a number of properties , which haven't worked. Is there a way top sort this out, with code if not a property? Thanks for your help, Roly
  9. R

    Add Cells Using Criteria

    Hi, Is there a function in Access similar to the SUMIF function in Excel. I would prefer this not using VBA, but if there isn't VBA will be fine. Thanks very much, Roly
  10. R

    Expressions in Forms

    Hi, Is there a way on Access that when a total is calculated using an expression on a form that it could update the table itself with that total? Thanks for any help! Roly
  11. R

    DLOOKUP Type Conversion Failure

    Hi, I am having problems with a DLOOKUP expression in an update query. I have set up a lookup table (imported from Excel and another table set up myself because of this error) with a date field and a week number field and I am trying to return the week number into another table for the date in...
  12. R

    Validation to Prevent Duplicates

    Hi, I have created a database that monitors containers that are being hired. When a container is hired some details are entered and remains the same until we receive an invoice to state that the hire has stopped. Subsequently, the database is updated and an invoice sent. The container is...
  13. R

    Problem with number formatting

    Hi, I have a problem with a table that has number formats setup as usual - #,##0.00;(#,##0.00) and formatted to 2dp. However when inputting say 1.58 into the table it will round to 2.00 and does not show any decimals except as .00. When I remove the number formatting and set the decimal...
  14. R

    Renaming Issue

    Hi, In Access 2003 when you rename a table any queries that the table is in will be renamed aswell, which is usually very useful. However, is there a way to turn this property off, because I am trying to run over a hundred of the same query that use different tables? In Access 2000 I renamed...
  15. R

    Memorise ODBS Username and Password in Access Database

    Hi, I have setup a new database that accesses an ODBC database which requires a username and password. Because the database is for basic level users, we do not want them to know the password. The database can be programmed to use the password in the background, but having very very basic...
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