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  1. B

    Need help with code logic/consolidation

    I am trying to calculate load factor for a data table that changes monthly in access. For those who are unfamaliar with calculating Load Factor, the formula is: kwh/(kw*(days in month) *24) My data is rolling over 24 months and I calculate the data quarterly. For the first quarter this is my...
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    Multiple range query

    How do you put multiple ranges in a query or can you even do this. example I want values between 1400 and 1599 as well as values 1800 and 1870 I was thiking something like Between "1400" And "1599" and Between "1800" And "1870" but no go. Any help?
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    Next Page in Print Preview via Form Buttons

    Is it possible to use vba cmd buttons on a form to mimic the first,prev,next,last buttons that will change the print preview page of a report. I will only have 1 report open at a time. any ideas?
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    One Chart - 2 Queries as Series

    I am trying to graph 2 series of data the each pull from different queries onto one chart. Access makes it difficult to have two different queries as two different series on the same graph. Is there a way I can combine these two different criterias for on the same query. So for each month...
  5. B

    Previous 12 Month Rolling Query (Attached Files)

    I am trying to create 2 sets of graphs from my database to display in a report. I have 24 months worth of data and I need to create a bar graph that has one series for months 1-12, and a second series for months 13-24. These series should be side by side for each month. Please see the...
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    updating complete table with excel file

    I am trying to update a complete table with an excel file. Each month the table data gets updated and I do not want to append any data. I simply want to replace everything in the table with certain columns from the excel file. I do not use any keys as they each have different account numbers...
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    Access Reports - Charts for each record in query

    Access Reports - Charts for each record in query - Files attached I am trying to create an automated report that will have a bit of information in it. Basically I have a table full of customers energy and revenue on a 24 month period. The values on the table are horizontal, rev1-rev24...
  8. B

    Expression Too Complex - Passing 29 Parameters, is that too much

    Expression Too Complex - Passing 29 Parameters - (See Post#15 for Database File) I trying to pass the parameters below into a VBA Case statement, but I am getting a too complex error, I have spent all day sorting this out and this is the last step, any ideas how I can get access to take this...
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    1024 Character Limit Error on a long expression

    I am trying this really long query expression to get quarterly data, but I run into a 1024 character limit error, can anyone help me with a work around 1ST QTR ENERGY MONTH 1-12: IIF ([MNTH1] LIKE "1/1/" & Year([MNTH1]), [AKW1]+[NAKW1],IIF ([MNTH1] LIKE "2/1/" & Year([MNTH1]),[AKW2]+[AKW1]...
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    Summing Multiple Columns based on same customer names

    I have search around the forums and have only been able to find a partial answer to my problem. I have a table with say 5 columns. Column1=Business Name Column2=DebitMonth1 Column3=DebitMonth2 Column4=DebitMonth3 Column5=DebitMonth4 Column1 will have different business names, but it will also...
  11. B

    Run query twice on wildcard

    I am new to access and have a question on how/if this can be done. I want to select companies from a large table >50,000 entries. The user will enter in a name, say 7-eleven. This may be entered in the table with different variations say 7eleven, 7 eleven, 7-eleven, etc... I would like for...
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