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  1. dayna

    Searchbox stops working!

    I’ve been working on a little application in Access 2007 for a couple months now, and I continue to be vexed by a mysterious problem: every now and then, the comboboxes that I use to find records stop working. To be more specific, the comboboxes themselves work, but the form continues to...
  2. dayna

    Abbreviate/combine records from same field?

    And now for another rambling, poorly articulated question from yours truly… I’m working on a db that, amongst other things, stores schedule information for the various classes that my organization offers at various times. Since different classes meet at different times on different days, and...
  3. dayna

    Save incomplete "records in progress" on separate table

    I am working on a project in which accuracy in data entry is of the utmost importance and null values in tables most be avoided at all costs. Thus, I have made extensive use of validation rules/text in my tables to prevent inaccurate/incomplete records from being stored. Though is strategy...
  4. dayna

    Yes/No Data Type vs. Indexed Lookup Fields

    Here’s the deal: I’m no fan of the Yes/No data type. Not only do I dislike the checkbox/toggle display options on forms, but I often encounter situations where “N/A” or “Not Specified” or “Unknown” is a more appropriate designation than “True” or “False.” So, what I usually do is create my own...
  5. dayna

    Using VBA to populate dynamic crosstab report

    I am attempting to employ the oft-recommended MS solution for creating a dynamic crosstab report. The solution involves an unbound parameter collector form, a crosstab query, and report based on that query which is full of unbound textboxes. If the code was working properly, the report’s...
  6. dayna

    Using VBA to avoid the output of #Error on a report

    I have a report (based on a query) that analyzes student progress on the GED test. Although the report functions perfectly most of the time, there is a rare exception that causes a calculated field in my query to be divided by zero, resulting in the display of #Error in a textbox on my report...
  7. dayna

    problems appending records with unbound textboxes in main/subforms

    I apologize for yet another thread on tracking student attendance, but I’ve been struggling with this data entry form for longer than I care to admit. What I’ve been able to piece together so far seems to work (under limited circumstances and with a lot of assuaging), but there are several...
  8. dayna

    problems requerying cascading combo boxes

    I'm working on a form with two unbound, cascading combo boxes that work perfectly well when the form is first opened. However, if the first combo box is changed, the items in the second combo box are not refreshed unless I close and reopen the form. As per the generous advice found in this...
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