Search results

  1. R

    Currency Format

    This is probably the easiest question to answer if you know where to look but I don't. Working in the UK with Access 2000 I need to set the field in a table to show Dollar $ USD however the only values I have are £ GBP and € as defaults. Now I thought that I could get this to change if I...
  2. R

    DLookup Help

    I am using a DLookup script in a Form to insert a figure into a field on the form in the event of an office being closed due to regional holidays. It was working fine and I thought everything was fine. The script was as follows If Me.AmericasHoliday = True Then Me.AmericasBacklog =...
  3. R

    Trying to prevent Duplicate Data Inputs

    I have a form that contains 5 fields and want to ensure that duplicate information is not entered. I am aware that when creating the form you can set Duplicate Records to No but each record has an AutoID which I assume means that even if the information is the same it will not register as a...
  4. R

    Replication List

    Strange Question but how do you go about clearing the list that appears in the replication drop down list when you wish to synchronize and replicate. We have a database which has grown and changed names numerous times. Yes I am aware that this is not good practice but I have gradually learnt...
  5. R

    Synchronizing Databases

    This is a what does is do question. I had problems with a database I had created and getting it to synchronize possibly due to its size or trying to do it over a network connection (don't know). I found a link regarding this issue and it had something to do with changing the HKEY sections in...
  6. R

    Want to display a progress meter rather than the egg timer

    I hava a finsihed database and upon opening takes a bit of time to open. At present I just have the pointer changing into the egg timer which causes a problem with some of our users. Because nothing seems to happen for a while they think the machine has crashed and try resetting. Can someone...
  7. R

    Problem with Child Form

    I have a child form "Status" within a master form "Company". Whilst everything looks fine on the form, it doesn't when you try and print it out. For example I have 10 records in the Company database with the Status form indicating IN PROGRESS and as I mentioned in normal view the IN PROGRESS...
  8. R

    Do I have to create a new form to make a search engine

    I know I can use the filter button on a form to act as a search engine. However beings as some of the users would have very minimal amount of computer knowledge I wanted to make a search engine operated from a Button on the form. Also having very little knowledge of Access and making most...
  9. R

    Do I have to create a new form to make a search engine

    I know I can use the filter button on a form to act as a search engine. However beings as some of the users would have very minimal amount of computer knowledge I wanted to make a search engine operated from a Button on the form. Also having very little knowledge of Access and making most...
  10. R

    Possibility of 4 different dates, need to know latest to work out process time

    I have a form with 4 date fields in for receipt of paperwork covering different sections. These all need to be selected before progressing to the next part of the form. This I have done. Noramlly the information is submitted all at the same time but sometimes the sections arrive at different...
  11. R

    Syntax Error on Joining Fields in Report

    Created a Query that uses same field names, i.e Title, Forename and Surname. The query handles this no problem. However trying to join the fields together and getting a syntax error. I believe the problem is the way Access views same field names but different forms. Distributor.Title...
  12. R

    Syntax Error on Joining Fields in Report

    Created a Query that uses same field names, i.e Title, Forename and Surname. The query handles this no problem. However trying to join the fields together and getting a syntax error. I believe the problem is the way Access views same field names but different forms. Distributor.Title...
  13. R

    Resizing Horizontally and on Blank

    I have a report which is just a letter to say we have received your application. However to keep the address window small I have placed Address1 and Address2 on the same line seperated by a (,). The query to generate the report works fine but when you look at the report the spacing is all over...
  14. R

    Using Append Delete Queries in Relational Databases

    If I create a delete query in a relational database and delete the main record all related records from linked tables to this record disappear, which I can understand due to the relationship between them. How do I set up a query to append all this information to related tables to a set of...
  15. R

    Have to enter Value Twice to Run Append/Delete Queries

    I have created an append query and delete query which upon a click of a button runs a macro which requests a record number to be entered. At present the append query requests the record number to append a record to a USED TABLE. The delete query asks for the record number to be entered again...
  16. R


    Currently I have a form which displays customers called "Company". These customers can be of a different status. i.e. Gold or Silver. The status is obtained from a drop down list. This filed list is called "Customer Definition". If the user selects the status of Gold they enter a 3 Letter...
  17. R

    Do I use Append/Delete?

    I have created a table with 3 coloumns each of which has 26 single character entries. I have then generated a query which returns 17576 records. This query is used as a drop down list in a database to assign a 3 letter prefix to each company (prefix is allowed to be used only once). However...
  18. R

    How can I display all results from one query on a form but not in spreadsheet format

    We have a query on our database which tells us of a company status which can be 1 of 4 possible values (i.e. Active, In Progress, Renewal and Deleted). However for quick referencing we wish to total the number of companies in these 4 fields. We have done this using a query but how can you view...
  19. R

    Different Coloured Fonts

    Sounds stupid I know but can anyone tell me how to achieve the following. I have built an expression to indicate if a persons record is A) Current B) Due for Renewal C) Expired! =IIf(Now()>[Expiry Date],"EXPIRED!",IIf(Now()>[Expiry Date]-31,"RENEWAL DUE","ACTIVE")) How can I set it for each...
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