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  1. E

    Recordset Loop

    Hello- I am trying to create a VBA code that loops through each field in a table and for record cleans the data (string data with extra spacing)..... Here is the code I got so far....nothing too crazy but having trouble... Sub Test() Dim db As Database Dim rs As DAO.Recordset Dim fldLoop...
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    Passing Array to Table

    Hello- I have a code that creates a dynamic array. I would like to now put this array in a would I do this in VBA? Any links with examples are much appreciated. Thanks! EK
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    Passing Array to Table

    Hello- I have a code that creates a dynamic array. I would like to now put this array in a would I do this in VBA? Any links with examples are much appreciated. Thanks! EK
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    VBA Array

    Hello- I've created this code below that loops through a file and perform some caclulations. However, I am having trouble with the output. The output table will have the same number of columns and rows however I cannot seem to be able to get past the first column in my array before I get a...
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    Multiple Report, same format

    Helllo- I've searched this forum numerous times and have not seen a solution to the reporting solution I am trying to accomplish. Basically, I have one report that I want to repeat the format and style for different accounts. However, I don't want to go in and create the same report for each...
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    Help With Array!!

    Hello- I'm building a procedure that takes various time series returns by certain sectors and calculates a Covariance Matrix of the returns....As you can see from my comments in the code I am having trouble getting these values into an array. I don't have a ton of experience with them so any...
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    QueryDef the Best?

    Hello- I have two questions that pertain to the end product I would like to achieve. I am basically creating a reporting DB that will have between 15-20 different reports in it. However, the data feeding the reports requires a few different sub queries to be created before the final output...
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    Simple Design

    Hello- I have a simple design question that I am looking to get some input on. What I have are two data sources in Excel. I would like to put them into Access due to the vast amounts of data I am beginning to acquire.... For the first table I have Returns and other pieces of data that are...
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    Help on Query as RecordSource

    Hello- I have the following SQL statement as my RecordSource however on the form itself a user cannot edit any records. I have the relationships set up properly (1:M on ObligorID), checked to make sure the data types were matching on the Primary and Foreign Keys, RecordsetType is set to...
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    Quick Help on Combo

    Hello- I have the following code I am using in a form that flows into an SQL structure to filter data: If Not IsNull(Me.cboInternalRating) Then strWhere = strWhere & "([Internal_Rating] = """ & Me.cboInternalRating & """) AND " End If My problem is when I run the combo and look at the...
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    Form OnChange Combo and unbound textbox

    Hello- In a form I have two controls...a unbound combo box and an unbound textbox. I have the following OnChange event for the combo box to populate a value for the textbox. However, it only works when a record is found from the dropdown box...but within this combox box the user should be able...
  12. E

    Form for 'Many-Side' assign 'One-Side' relationship

    Hello- I have a question on building a form to update two tables in my database which have a 1:M relation. 1) tblSecurityFamily (One)-Primary Key=SecurityFamily_ID (autonumber) 2) tblSecurities (Many)-Primary Key=Security_ID, Foreign Key=SecurityFamily_ID These...
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    Subquery Or VBA Loop through recordset

    Hello- I am trying to create a query from a single table that has these two fields: PricingDate and SecurityID. Each week I get new data that is appended to the table. What I want to find is the New SecurityIDs that were not in last week's. Thus, I am looking to restrict my recordset to just a...
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    Dynamic Frequency Function VBA

    Hello- I am trying to create a frequency function that dynamically creates the bins and then counts the occurences for each....however, I am having some trouble getting what I have to work.... I know about the Partition function, however, my dataset will have negative values in it thus I...
  15. E

    Print to PDF loop...files being overwritten

    Hello- I currently have the code below that loops through a table with named reports and prints them to PDF. The code works fine except each report is overwritten by the next report in the loop because all of the reports are being saved under the same name. Sub LoopReports() Dim db As...
  16. E

    Update Query With 3 Tables

    Hello- I have a question regarding doing an Update query from one table to another when the table relationships look like this: tblProjects Project_Code-Primary Key Project_Description tblSecurities Security_ID-Primary Key Project_Code tblHoldings Security_ID-Primary Key IssueType...
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